FW de Klerk's tribute to late Fanie Botha

As minister of labour Botha initiated far reaching reforms in South Africa


I have learned with sorrow of the death of the late Mr S P (Fanie) Botha, former colleague and good friend.

The late Fanie Botha was a man of integrity. Together with his late wife Martina at his side, they played a key role in the fortunes of the old National Party of the Transvaal - he as one of the deputy-chairmen in the Transvaal and she as the leader of NP Womens-Action.

His ministerial career was marked by excellence. As Minister of Water Affairs, during a great drought, he mounted an extremely imaginative campaign to encourage the saving of water. He was, indeed, a marketer par excellence.

However, he made his greatest contribution to a better South Africa as Minister of Labour. The far-reaching reforms that he initiated in the sphere of labour, laid the foundations for a fundamental process of reform in our country.  What he achieved in this area was one of the most important keys that opened the door to a negotiated settlement. South Africa owes Fanie Botha a great debt of gratitude.

For us, who in those days were young politicians, he was a father figure, always prepared to help us in word and deed and an inspiration to service.

I pay homage to his memory and convey my deepest sympathy to his children, grandchildren and to the Botha family.

Statement issued by the FW de Klerk Foundation, September 6 2010

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