Recommendation of Mandisa Maya as Chief Justice welcomed – EFF

Fighters say SCA JP is well-qualified, competent and experienced, and shows immense vision and understanding of SA law

EFF welcomes recommendation by the Judicial Service Commission for Judge President Mandisa Maya to be appointed as the next Chief Justice

5 February 2022

The Economic Freedom Fighters welcomes a landmark decision reached by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), to recommend Judge President of the Supreme Court of Appeals Mandisa Maya as the next Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.

Ina historic conclusion, reached in deliberations after a week of thorough interviews of four candidates for the position, the JSC has made one of the most transformative decisions since its inception.

By recommending Judge President Maya, who had a stellar interview, the JSC has provided the President of the Republic an opportunity to right the many wrongs in our judicial system in terms of gender representation.

Not only is Judge Maya well-qualified, competent and experienced, she showed immense vision and understanding of the law in our country and its relation to empowering women within and outside of the judiciary.

Judge Maya expressed a necessary lack of appetite to descend into the political arena, and was honest and direct when confronted by difficult and sometimes controversial questions. Her interview was not only qualitatively superior, but revealed a candidate for Chief Justice who will not be a divisive force in society

The Judicial Service Commission has played its part, and the final decision now rests with the President of South Africa.

We commend the Commission for remaining steadfast in its duties, in ensuring that all .ndidates are interviewed by a diverse set of Cornmi.ioners, hailing from the legal fratemity and political comrnunity.

The way in which the Commission is constituted is pivotal to our democratic project, as it ensures that those who have received a rnandate from the electorate play a role in the appointment of Judges. This ensures that the pro.. is not run by elite individuals, with no democratic mandate, who assume their expertise is above the democratic will of our people.

The Commission refused to bow to the pressure of Apartheid Judges and elements in the media who have exhibited a disturbing investment in the emergen. of certain candidates. It must be comrnended for showing it can operate independently and not bow to manufactured outrage.

The EFF will reflect on the interviews and take necessary action where abnormalities and signs of judicial .pture and rnanipulation were exposed.

Issued by Vuyani Pambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 7 February 2022