Life sentence for incestuous rapist welcomed - ANCWL

Women's League salutes those who worked tirelessly to ensure fair punishment

ANCWL statement on life imprisonment of rapist in Empangeni Regional Court

7 June 2017

The African National Congress Women's League welcomes the life imprisonment of the 45 year old who was convicted for raping and impregnating his 11year old daughter. This rapist started raping the daughter from the time she was 8yrs old. 

The ANCWL salutes the law enforcement agencies who tireleslly worked on the case whilst ensuring that the perpetrator faces the full wrath of the law. Crime against women and children must always be treated as priority crimes and the ruthless perpetrators who prey on women and children must be severely punished. Peace loving South Africans must never allow the country to be turned into safe heavens of rapists and serial killers. 

The ANCWL calls for all its supporters and members to intensify Molo Makhelwane programs across the country and lead  the fight against social ills within communities. Society must unite and work with law enforcement agencies to curb the scourge of women and child abuse. 

Issued by Meokgo Matuba, Secretary General ANCWL, 7 June 2017