President Zuma must respect and uphold the Constitution - DA

Statement by Chief Whip Ian Davidson, MP, parliament May 6 2009

Speech given by DA Chief Whip Ian Davidson, at the First Session of South Africa's Fourth Parliament, Cape Town, May 6 2009

On behalf of the Democratic Alliance (DA) I would like to congratulate President-elect Jacob Zuma on his election as the next president of South Africa.

The President-elect will take up the highest office in the land with a great deal of support, but also with the burden of high expectations on his shoulders. The most important job for the new President will be to build a society in which all South Africans have the opportunity to improve their lives.

It is our sincere wish that he will rise to this challenge.

We hope the President-elect will act to bring South Africans together and build confidence in our future.

We call on him in particular to ensure the Constitution, and the critical institutions that uphold constitutional values, are protected and strengthened. After years of bitter conflict these very foundations of our democratic order are in desperate need of healing and repair.

The DA for its part will support the President-elect in any endeavour which respects and upholds the Constitution and which will make real and sustainable inroads into rolling back crime, poverty and unemployment.

There are, however, serious issues that must still be resolved regarding the alleged conduct of the President-elect.

The real test of the forthcoming presidency will be whether the judicial process is allowed to run its course in an unimpeded and dignified manner.

For the sake of the future of our democracy, it is a test we dare not fail as a nation.

Issued by the Democratic Alliance

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