Blade Nzimande's hypocrisy startling - COPE

Dennis Bloem says it is laughable for the SACP GS to suggest that he and the Party fought to liberate the SABC from the NP


9 July 2015

Congress of the People is astonished at the unbelievable hypocrisy of SA Communist Party secretary Blade Nzimande. It is laughable for him to suggest that he and the SACP “fought to liberate the SABC from the National Party”. Firstly, as Tony Yengeni rightly reminded him, he is a Johnny-Come-Lately in the epic struggle for liberation. Secondly, the tripartite alliance has itself totally captured the SABC in much the same way as the National Party had done before 1994. We are back where we began. 

The SABC today is still a propaganda machine.

It is sheer hypocrisy for Blade to gird his loins to “fight Naspers for its monopoly of private television,” when the ruling party has monopolised the public broadcaster.

In politics the tables turn. Many of the NP politicians sitting as ANC MPs will tell him that. The mischief the ruling party makes today will be visited on them tomorrow. That much is certain.

What we have today is really another NP ruling South Africa in the guise of the ANC. Gone is the ANC that sought to govern South Africa with justice and fair play. Blade Nzimande is a lead player in the new politics of aggrandizement, power accumulation and wealth accumulation for the politically connected.

In as much as BBC or CNN international propaganda is offensive to Blade, SABC propaganda is equally off putting to the rest of us. Propaganda is anathema to all of us wherever it comes from.

If Blade insists that news media inform us better, he should demand the same from all media. In particular, he should insist that the SABC gives a lead in this regard.

We all want the media to transform in such a manner that it becomes the true servant of democracy, not the unashamed and undisguised mouthpiece of the ruling party. We say to him to lead in this regard so that others can follow. Hypocrisy is palpable dishonesty and no one will take him seriously while speaks from two sides of his mouth.

What is sauce for the goose must also be sauce for the gander.

Statement issued by Dennis Bloem, COPE spokesperson, July 9 2015