EFF supports call by UNGA for end to US blockade on Cuba

Fighters say US reaffirmed themselves as a nation committed to destroying nations that do not bend to their will

EFF supports the call by the UN General Assembly to put an end to the US blockade on Cuba

3 November 2022

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) welcomes and supports the humanitarian call by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), to put an end to the genocidal economic, commercial and financial embargo put in place by the United States of America (USA) on Cuba.

For the 30th time, the General Assembly of the UN has voted resoundingly in favour of ending the war-mongering tactics of the US, which has economically sanctioned Cuba for pursuing a socialist agenda, and resisting capitalist infiltration for over half a century. The vote, which saw 185 nations voting in favour of ending the blockade, as opposed to the 2 nations (US and Israel) which opposed, and 2 nations that abstained (Brazil and Ukraine) is a signal that the political hegemony of the United States is soon dwindling into insignificance.

Out of nothing but imperialist self-interest, the USA voted against the resolution of the United Nations, and reaffirmed themselves as a nation committed to destroying nations that do not bend to their will.

The fact that this has been supported by the General Assembly of the UN on 30 occasions, yet has not been implemented by the USA, shows their complete disregard for democracy and collective will of the entire globe, which is opposed to US-imperialism.

If the United Nations seeks to retain any semblance of integrity and worth in global affairs, they will begin to implement sanctions against the USA, for their lack of compliance to the resolutions of the General Assembly. The defiant actions of the USA will inspire regressive nations and even terror groups to disregard international forums and statutes, because the USA does not abide by any resolution.

The USA must be punished for continuing to ravage and cripple the lives and livelihoods of Cuban people, and failure to do so will prove that international institutions such as the UN exist at the behest of the financial muscle of imperialist, war-mongers known as the USA.

The fact that the US has used and will use its veto power to resist the implementation of a Resolution that was overwhelmingly supported almost all nations of the world necessitates for the long overdue reform of the United Nations. The EFF associates with all progressive nations of the world that demands for the reform of the United Nations, particularly its Security Council.

Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 3 November 2022