DA calls on NWest Integrity Commissioner to investigate Mahumphelo – Joe McGluwa

NWest PL says this follows Denel’s announcement that money will not be recovered from Mahumapelo junior

DA calls on NW Integrity Commissioner to investigate Mahumphelo

19 June 2018

The Democratic Alliance in the North West has written to the North West Legislature’s Integrity Commissioner, Fazela Mahomed, calling on her office to investigate the role Supra Muhamphelo played in the awarding of a R1 million Denel bursary to his son.

This follows after Denel’s announcement that the money will not be recovered from Mahumapelo junior, as there was no proof of any misconduct on his part, but the fact that Supra publicly announced that he would pay back the money seems to be very close to an admission of guilt.

Should the Office of the Integrity Commissioner find any evidence of wrongdoing, Honourable Mahumapelo must reimburse Denel, as this points to a blatant abuse of his former position as premier of the North West.

Should the Integrity Commissioner’s Office find Supra guilty of any misconduct in this regard, the DA can only hope that he would have the decency to apologise to the people of the North West.

The DA can only hope that Denel will thoroughly investigate the board members that may have been directly or indirectly influenced by Supra Mahumapelo.

The North West needs the kind of change that ensures that the people come first, not highly-paid politicians.

Issued by Joe McGluwaDA North West Provincial Leader, 19 June 2018