DA’s service delivery lifting national average - - Kevin Mileham

MP says number of ANC-controlled provinces are trailing far behind

ANC manifesto claims DA's service delivery successes 

20 April 2016

A deeper analysis of a number of ANC ‘success stories’ included in their local government election manifesto reveals that the DA is out-performing the national average in all key areas. Moreover, the ANC’s claims hides the dire state of service delivery in a number of ANC-run provinces, and how the needs of citizens are not being met.

The ANC’s claims with regard to access to piped water, sanitation, refuse removal and electricity do not reflect the drastic inequality between the provinces, and how black South Africans still suffer disproportionately from poor service delivery.

The table below shows that while the DA has succeeded in making progress where it governs – topping the list with regard to both access to water and sanitation – a number of ANC-run provinces are trailing far behind the national average lauded by the ANC.

National Average

DA-run Western Cape

Worst ANC-run province

Access to piped water




Eastern Cape

Access to sanitation





Access to weekly refuse removal





Access to electricity





The data, based on the 2014 General Household Survey by StatsSA, shows that in the Western Cape, where the DA governs 22 out of 30 municipalities, access to basic services is expanding for all, while the ANC is lagging far behind where they govern.

In fact, were it not for the DA’s performance in the Western Cape with regard to access to sanitation and refuse removal, where it surpasses the national average by 15.6 and 25.4 percentage points respectively, the national picture in these categories would look a great deal worse.

Based on the lacklustre attendance at their launch, it would appear that South Africans have grown tired of listening to the ANC’s ‘good stories’ when their lived experience is reflective of broken promises, not quality service delivery.

These citizens have grown tired of an uncaring and corrupt government that fails to put the needs of people first. 

On 23 April the DA will be launching our election manifesto underpinned by our solid track record of improving the lives of those we govern, and the poor in particular. 

It is this brand of good governance that creates jobs, cuts corruption and delivers services that we seek to take to more South Africans on 3 August. 

The DA believes that together we can bring about change and make progress toward building a non-racial South African with freedom, fairness and opportunity for all.

Issued by Kevin Mileham MP, DA Shadow Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, 20 April 2016