Lekota not going to Tel Aviv as a friend of Israel - COPE

Party denounces “propaganda”, says visit was discussed with Palestinian ambassador


Congress of the People wishes to denounce the propaganda that COPE President Lekota is visiting Tel Aviv as a friend of Israel.

When the invitation was made to leaders of the Opposition Parties to visit Israel Mr Lekota twice called on the Palestinian ambassador to discuss the invitation. The ambassador communicated with Ramallah so that the purpose of the visit was clearly understood.

Furthermore, Mr Lekota made it abundantly clear to the organisers of the visit to Tel Aviv that he would only accept on condition that he and others who chose to do so would also visit Palestine during the trip.

COPE holds firm the view that a two state solution is the only way forward.

The visit to Israel and to Palestine has two purposes. Firstly, it will enable Mr Lekota to see the situation first hand. Secondly, it will serve for him to share his experience in the Mandela government and to encourage the parties to sit around a table and find a peaceful, just and lasting solution.

COPE supports constructive bi-lateral engagement. Those who are seeking to make mischief are doing so in ignorance and in bad faith. The photograph with the caption “Friends of Israel” is mischievous and plain wrong.

Issued by Dennis Bloem, COPE spokesperson, 7 September 2015