Gwede Mantashe to lead ANC delegation at state capture inquiry

Party expected to have an opportunity to present evidence at the end of the month

Mantashe to lead ANC delegation at state capture inquiry

13 November 2018

Former ANC secretary general and now Mineral Resources Minister Gwede Mantashe will lead the party when it appears before the judicial commission of inquiry into allegations of state capture, the party's Zizi Kodwa said on Tuesday.

Speaking to reporters during a short adjournment, Kodwa said Mantashe "will lead the delegation of the ANC, who in a week or two weeks time will come present [evidence before the commission]".

"We expect that at the end of this month the ANC will have an opportunity," Kodwa said.

"We are limiting our submissions on two things - the submissions of the bank and some aspects of issues raised by comrade Barbara [Hogan] in relation to systems or working of the ANC..."

He said the issues that were raised by the banks, as well as by Hogan, had happened when Mantashe was secretary general of the ANC.

"We waiting for a confirmation of the date. We are ready in terms of the submissions," he said.

Advocate Phillip Mokoena also told inquiry chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo that the legal team had received two statements - one from Mantashe and another one from the ANC dated November 11 - but the statements had not been signed.

Hogan's testimony

On Tuesday, former public enterprises minister Barbara Hogan continued with her testimony and told the commission that her executive authority as a Cabinet minister had been taken away by former president Jacob Zuma, which had led her to resign.

Hogan spent the morning giving the commission details surrounding Eskom CEO Jacob Maroga's resignation and how there was a breakdown in the relationship between Maroga and the board.

Hogan said that, while the former Eskom CEO had been in disagreement with the board, she did not have any reason to believe that he was corrupt.

She said the board had expressed that they were not happy with Maroga's performance. At the time, Eskom was facing huge funding and operational challenges, she said.

Hogan also testified that, in a meeting, Maroga had denied that he had resigned and wanted her to "exercises her leadership" and confirm him as the CEO, but she could not do so.

Hogan said that, on November 8, 2009, she met with Zuma, who instructed her to confirm Maroga as Eskom CEO. The meeting took place during a 10-minute slot at the president's residence in Pretoria, she said.

She said that, when she told the board about Zuma's decision, they were "dismayed".

Hogan testified that the board had said that, since it was the president's attempt at resolving the situation, they would accept it in "good faith".

She said that, when the board met with Zuma, she had not been present, but had later received feedback.

Special leave

Hogan said the board had wanted Maroga to take special leave immediately, were he to remain as CEO, until the matter was properly resolved.

She said she received a call from Zuma, who told her that Maroga had not accepted the board's proposal, and that it was off.

Hogan described Zuma as a "genial person" and said she was "careful to be respectful at all times".

"At times we did butt heads," she said.

Hogan also explained that, when Maroga returned to his office at Eskom, he was accompanied by a "small posse" of people, who she later discovered were part of a National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa (Numsa) collective.

She had previously named Mzwanele "Jimmy" Manyi as being part of this entourage, but Hogan clarified that was not the case.

Independence  declaration

Hogan said, upon Maroga's return, she had received a letter from him in which he confirmed his position at Eskom. She said Maroga's letter was almost a declaration of independence from the board and of minister.

"It was a complete flouting of everything relating to corporate governance in Eskom, or any company, and a complete arrogance about his position, the board, and what he was saying," she said.

Hogan also said that she felt that Zuma was putting her in a position where she was having to force the Eskom board to take a decision they were unhappy with.
