NUM welcomes effort to save mining jobs

Union says interventions could prevent more than 50% of proposed retrenchments

NUM statement on the signing of the Job losses declaration

31 August 2015

The National Union Mineworkers (NUM) welcomes the finalisation and signing of the Mining Industry Stakeholder Declaration on Job Losses, we believe this a first important step in saving thousands of jobs in our industry. These interventions will go a long ensuring the Mining Industry conducts its stakeholder consultation in fair and transparent way, thus also ensuring the Department of Mineral Resource (DMR) enforces compliance with the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 2002 in terms of compliance with Social and Labour Plans in conjunction with Section 52 of the Act.

The NUM also commend the participation and involvement of the CCMA in this process, thus ensuring all these interventions will be implemented during the Labour Relations Act Section 189A processes currently underway in various mining companies. As this paves a way for a collaborative implementation of both the Section 52 of the MPRDA and Section 189 of the LRA, the DMR and CCMA commissioners. We will be embarking on a country-wide rigorous process to ensure all our branches in the industry fully implements these agreed upon interventions.

Of critical importance in all 10 interventions, is the extended consultation period, the implementation of accelerated rehabilitation process, establishment of cost containment committees in future forums ( which opens up the books of companies to all affect stakeholders) and the facilitation of distressed assets to other interested mining companies amongst others. With all stakeholders correctly implementing these, as per the objectives and spirit of the MPRDA; this process could save more than 50% of the proposed retrenchments.

We also appreciate the up-skilling and re-deployment of those that could not be saved through the interventions. Thus, we place special emphases on the utilisation of the Training Lay Off schemes for all those that are eventually retrenched, provided all options have been exhausted (including DMR compliance enforcement).

The calls for the speedy implementation of these interventions, with the CCMA advising all its commissioners on these interventions and the DMR’s fully implementing Section 52 enforcement.

Joseph Montisetse: NUM Deputy President