SACP WCape backs fruit growers’ demands

Party says it supports strike for a 12.5% wage increase

SACP Supports the workers of  Ceres Fruit Growers in their demands

The South African Communist Party (SACP) in the Elizabeth Nana Abrahams District (Boland) supports workers from Ceres Fruit Growers (CFG) in their demand for a 12.5% wage increase and for sharing of the ultimate surplus value that they produce which is currently appropriated by the bosses alone in profits and capital.

The CFG bosses have been arrogant in their response to workers’ demands. By refusing to engage on the pertinent demand to share the wealth produced by the workers and by countering workers’ wage increase demand with a meagre 7.5% the CFG bosses have proved their intransigence and contempt for the role played by labour in shaping the company’s global position, including its subsidiaries such as Trucape, Ceres Fruit Processors, APL Cartons and Link.  

The SACP in the Western Cape urges its membership in the District, the working class community of Boland and indeed all progressive minded people in Ceres to support the strike led by Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU).

The SACP Elizabeth Nana Abrahams District further extends its direct support and steadfast solidarity with workers in the strike!

Issued by Mncedisi Nobala, District Secretary, SACP WCape, 15 September 2015