Strike was about defending COSATU's white bosses – BLF

Organisation says Federation itself captured by WMC

BLF rejects the COSATU strike

27 September 2017

Black First Land First (BLF) rejects the so-called ‘strike against state capture and corruption’ organised by the captured Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), which is sponsored by white monopoly capital. COSATU is lying to workers and the nation – this strike is about defending COSATU’s white bosses. COSATU is against Radical Economic Transformation, that’s why it has annointed Cyril Ramaphosa to be president of South Africa. The same Ramaphosa who called the police to murder the workers of Marikana.

COSATU doesn’t care for workers or the poor, it is a federation of white monopoly capital. Where is a COSATU strike against the over 20 000 jobs being destroyed in the mining sector by the white bosses it supports? Where is COSATU in defending the 7 500 jobs being destroyed at Oakbay owned businesses by white monopoly capital in its war to keep the South African economy white? Where is COSATU when white monopoly capital loots R60 billion from South Africa every year in illicit financial outflows? Where is COSATU when ABSA refuses to pay back the money it has stolen from the South African Reserve Bank (SARB)? Where is COSATU when workers experience racism everyday on the shop floor?

COSATU must be honest, it is marching for Pravin Gordhan and Cyril Ramaphosa to ensure white monopoly capital continues to loot South Africa.

It’s clear to BLF that COSATU has abandoned the proletarian tools of analysis such as Marxism and is now following tabloid gossip as a frame work. If COSATU was still a Marxist organisation, it would not buy the lie about state capture by the capturers of the state. The problem is that COSATU is a trade union of the white bosses – it follows the ideological direction of white monopoly capital.

COSATU, like many captured trade unions, is a tool of white monopoly capital and an agent of counter revolution.

BLF warns the workers, beware of wolves in sheep skin, they are going to eat you. COSATU is not your friend, it is the friend of Johann Rupert, the Oppenheimers, Whitey Basson, Maria Ramos and other members of white monopoly capital.

BLF rejects the march and strike as nothing but a desperate attempt to undermine radical economic transformation. COSATU has sold its soul to white monopoly capital.

Issued by BLF NCC, 27 September 2017