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"Dentsu Aegis Network's African strategy of stealth | McCann Johannesburg now BBBEE level one" - MarkLives

And other top advertising, media and marketing news, analysis and opinion on the website this week, including…

Dentsu Aegis Network's African strategy of stealth

by Herman Manson. Dentsu Aegis Network SSA, headed out of Cape Town by Dawn Rowlands, is often highlighted by competitors and industry watchers for its smart, strategic moves in a highly competitive marketplace.

McCann Johannesburg now BBBEE level one
by MarkLives. IPG has partnered with Identity Partners on an investment, with McCann Johannesburg taking the black ownership to 51%, of which 36% is black-women-owned.

Fair Exchange: Value doesn’t mean low prices or no benefits!
by Erna George. The obsession with cost-saving won't go away, but the increased focus on price as a means of driving sales is destroying brand value.

Taking Flight: Africa on Gill’s cheeky ad that’s worth ‘washing’
by Remon Geyser. Is SA humour really thatunique? We asked our panel of creative, advertising and marketing professionals in Kenya and Nigeria for insights on “Gill shampoo's hair ad is actually worth 'washing'” from FCB Joburg and Team Best.

Innovator’s Toolkit: Adland and the power of failure
by Preetesh Sewraj. The need to succeed on the first try has resulted in many great campaigns not being taken to market and many potentially great products not being progressed past the first few hurdles experienced by its creators.

Regular Reads:

Ad of the Week: Papa knows best
MagLove: The best magazine covers 14 October 2016
Shelf Life: Saatchi BrandsRock's Rémy Martin campaign; Denny mushroom burger; and unique designs at Wearels.co.za
SA TV Ratings: SABC 2 — top 20 primetime programmes Aug 2016

Open Africa:

Poverty in a rising Africa
SMEs key to beating low-growth trap

On the Radar:

Havas South Africa appointments for Jozi
Kirsty Barkhuizen to head WPP’s Cognifide African expansion
indaHash now available to MediaCom clients in SA
Burson-Marsteller launches in Angola, Indian Ocean Islands

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