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Dire academic consequences if classes don't resume next week – UCT

University hopes to open campus without use of security on Monday

Dire academic consequences if classes don't resume next week - UCT

Cape Town - UCT vice chancellor Max Price has warned that the academic consequences would be dire should classes not resume next Monday as planned.

In a communiqué on the university website, Price said the institution hoped to reopen the campus without the use of security on Monday.

A meeting of the UCT senior management team decided that classes would resume on October 3.

Students began protesting two weeks ago, calling for the university to reinstate students who had been suspended, interdicted, or expelled following the Fees Must Fall protests.

They also called for the university to institute a Shackville truth and reconciliation commission (TRC) within this year.

This after students in February erected a shack on upper campus as a symbol of the struggle for student housing and financial exclusions. The shack was later demolished by security.

Price called on the UCT community to use this week to “engage with one another on ways to begin reconciliatory engagement, to address transformation issues, and to make meaningful progress in this regard”.

Price on Monday reportedly met with heads of academic departments to discuss the current campus situation and share ideas.

He is set to meet with other vice chancellors this week and “will seek engagement” with the Minister of Higher Education and Training Blade Nzimande.

On Monday, the campus remained open, with the exception of the library.

Price previously said the decision to temporarily halt operations was taken in order to protect the university's property, while not escalating the violence by bringing private security onto the campus.

News24 previously reported that Price said it was still possible to complete the academic year after work resumed next Monday, but graduations would have to take place in June 2017.

This article first appeared on News24, see here