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Taxpayers are doing reparations every month

Rhoda Kadalie says it is corrupt ANC politicians, not whites, who are the enemies of black progress

6 November 2011

The Editor

As I write this letter I am watching Judge for Yourself (e-News Channel) with Judge Dennis Davis, asking yet again whether there should be a wealth tax to make reparations for the past. Dubiously named Constitutional Law Expert, Pierre De Vos, patronisingly bangs on and on about white culpability for apartheid insisting that white people pay back because "they structurally benefited from apartheid."

He suggests that a Development Fund be set up to target areas that will benefit the poor. Accusing Dave Steward (FW DE Klerk Foundation) of race-blindness, he claims that his rejection of the idea of a wealth tax is racist. UCT's ubiquitous legal expert does not distinguish between racism, racial discrimination and race and throws these accusations around with gay abandon.

Secondly, Mr De Vos, need I remind you that 1994 was about smashing apartheid and white minority domination; more importantly, 1994 was also about black people taking over government and taking control of our destiny. To suggest yet another fund, he forgets that the National Development Agency, the National Empowerment Fund, the Land Bank, and the Land Restitution Commission were all attempts at redress.

Sadly these institutions have been notoriously inept at doing so because of large-scale corruption. The ANC government has been incapable of spending our taxes properly, let alone manage a Guilt-Fund. The guilt-trip is counter-productive and exposes De Vos' ego more than convincing us of his pathetic arguments.

Furthermore, he refuses to deal with corruption and condones Black Economic Enrichment, perpetuating the stereotype of blacks as victims who cannot take responsibility for their own political salvation. Taxpayers are doing reparations every month while government officials enrich themselves with our taxes.

De Vos, it is high time you realise that political correctness is incompatible with your title of Constitutional Law expert. Your job is to be balanced, rational, fair, just and scientific. You fail on all these scores. Pity the poor students!

Rhoda Kadalie   

This letter first appeared in the Cape Argus

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