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"Tokoloshe tracker in my tummy!" - Daily Sun

"Lunga has nowhere to run!" - front page lead, December 17 2014

Daily Sun (December 17 2014) - LUNGA says her life's been hell since she dreamed of an operation to put muthi in her tummy.

She says that muthi is a tokoloshe tracker.


Lunga Nhlapo (39) of Phomolong section in Tembisa, Ekurhuleni said she's desperate and her nights are full of terror and trauma.

"The evil follows me as I am connected to their network.

"I wake up every morning tired and weak with a wet and painful punani. The tokoloshe sleeps with me."

"Sometimes I find myself on the floor after fights at night with the smart, suit-wearing short man."

This tokoloshe comes in different forms - once even as a monkey.

"I sometimes change my bedding three times a night - it gets wet from sweat when I fight the tokoloshe.

"After that dream I started to get sick every day.

"People swear at me for nothing," said Lunga.

"I have done all I can to be free of this evil tokoloshe, but in vain.

"Sangomas told me the muthi I dreamed about was like a satellite tracker that shows evil people who hate me where I am.

"I need help before I end my life," she said.

Lunga said the muthi once made her look like a 

Rich boyfriends gave her anything she wanted. "But I lost over six boyfriends in one year.

"They left me after the first time I took them to my bed and had sex with them.

"I gave up on men. They look at me as an evil woman.

"One prophet told me my life would end in 2014. I started praying last December and became a devoted Christian. But still the tracker in my body rules my life.

"My neighbours turned against me. They call the police when I pray, claiming I make a noise," she said.

"I need help."

) Sangoma Ntsimb'edlezinye Ngema said Lunga was bewitched and needs muthi to cleanse her of the tracker muthi.

See the Daily Sun's new website for more on this and other stories....

The Daily Sun is South Africa's largest daily newspaper with an average circulation of 274 165 (Audit Bureau of Circulations 2nd Quarter 2014) and a readership of 5.7m (as per AMPS 2012ab). Its Facebook page can be accessed here. It can be followed on Twitter here. To find about advertising on the Daily Sun click here.

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