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Eastern Cape is a failed province: Refugees or not

Vince Musewe says we're in crisis and all we can think of is what the madam said, meant or didn't say

Eastern Cape is a failed province: Refugees or not

We are in crisis and all we can think of is what the madam said, meant or didn't say.

What a waste of emotional energy on the issue of refugees. It is rather sad that people would rather spend so much energy on what words Helen Zille uses to describe a pathetic situation in the Eastern Cape. Instead of focusing on how that issue can be dealt with I have seen a plethora of accusations and counter accusations and I have come to the conclusion that this democracy is deteriorating into a toxic democracy where people focus on personalities and not the problem

Eastern Cape is a failed province, period: and the sooner we all accept that and do something drastic the better.

Tell a child in Eastern Cape that he or she cannot get fed because we have to deal with Helen Zille choice of words first before we feed him or her. Tell the child that they cannot get a decent education because we have a racist opposition in power in the Western Cape that wants to score political points! You know what that child will tell you; that his or her future is more important than politics and that he or she does not really care who is in power in the province as long as he or she gets a decent meal and a decent education.

Refugees or not poor blacks in the Eastern Cape are suffering and have every choice where they would rather live and if Cape Town is better then so be it.

This issue confirms the very fact that the ANC has failed in Eastern Cape and should get rid of those that are increasing underdevelopment by their incompetence while they collect their paychecks every month. In my opinion the DA has every right to expose the weaknesses there for goodness sake.

I have never seen a nation so focused on racial issues that it has forgotten what is more important. We need to focus on the alleviation of poverty and in my books nobody is an expert on that and those that have tried have clearly failed. It's time for plan B.

If at all we are going to learn from this cacophony, it must be the fact that racism will continue to be used as a scapegoat for incompetence and non-delivery.

We are in crisis and all we can think of is what the madam said, meant or didn't say.

What a shame.

Vince Musewe is an economist he is promoting new thinking about Africa under the topic "New African Minds" and you may read his philosophies about change by going to or email him on [email protected]

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