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The booers are a curse to our nation

Justice Piitso says those in the ANC involved in Tuesday's treacherous acts of the enemy must be expelled immediately

Those who booed our President during the memorial service at the FNB stadium are a curse to our nation

Thursday the 5th of December 2013 will remain in the glorious chapters of our history books as one of the most memorable days in the history of humanity. The annals of history will record it as one of the rare moments in our history that marked the passing of one epoch into the other. Moments of history are few.

On this fateful day, the  President of our Republic Cde Jacob Zuma, conveyed to our people and the world the sad news that the heart of the father of our nation Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela has ceased to beat. We received the sad news of the passing on of the extraordinary giant in the making of history Tata Madiba.

President Nelson Mandela was a hallmark of the true values and traditions of the human race. We pay tribute to the heroic acts of this extraordinary son of man. The passing on of the father of our nation is not the end but the beginning of a new epoch in the history of the struggle of the people of the world.

On Tuesday the 10th of December 2013 FNB stadium became a common destination of the eyes of the world as the whole of humanity converged to pay our last respect to the founding father of our rainbow nation. The memorial service was a testimony that Madiba was a true representative of the wishes and aspirations of the people the world over.

 Not once ever in the history of our humankind was there a gathering that descended the eyes of the whole of the world people to our country than during the memorial service of the father of our nation, Tata Madiba. The only humbled reason is that we are a nation that has produced a struggle icon belonging to the category of rare spices, President  Nelson Mandela.

Not once ever in the history of humankind was there a gathering that descended the head of states of both the imperialist epicenter and the former colonies and semi colonies than during the memorial service of the father of our nation than Tata Madiba. We saw for the first time in the history of mankind fade making the heads of states from the USA,  Britain, France, Germany shaking hands with their counter parts from Cuba, Zimbabwe, the Republic of the Saharawi, Kenya, East Timor, and many others.

The memorial service of the father of our nation Nelson Mandela was an epoch making event. It marked a rare historic event of the passing of one epoch into the other. Our country and the  world  have beat farewell to a rare category of a generation of human spices. A generation that represents the extraordinary world of the heroes of the struggle of the people of the world.

We are humbled by the generosity of his family for having shared with us a caring father. Our special thanks to Mama Graca Machel, the mother of our nation Wennie Mandela, his children, his grand children and the entire family. 

 Our special thank to the African National Congress for having given us a true servant of our people. Our special thanks to the people of our country for having given us one of the most outstanding sons of our soil. Our thanks to the people of the world for having given us an icon of our international struggle.

We thank the collective leadership of our democratic government and our revolutionary Alliance under President Jacob Zuma for having taken care of Madiba until his last moment in our mist. The earth moving words of appreciation from our President to the people of the world was a confirmation that we are the only nation in the history of the human race that has produced, Nelson Mandela. 

President Jacob Zuma is a democratically leader of our country and our national liberation movement,  the ANC. He belonged to the rare category of young leaders of the calibre of Nelson Mandela, who occupied the forefront trenches of our struggle to liberate our people from imperialism and colonial oppression and exploitation.  He is the face of our country and our national liberation movement.

I am sure that my fellow citizens of our Republic and the whole of the people of the world will without doubt share my sentiment that the booing of our President during the memorial service was the most horrendous act contrary to the true values and traditions Madiba represents. The attack of the President of our Republic and our national liberation movement, is an attack of the whole of the people of our country.

We however attribute this unfortunate event to the work of the enemy of our national democratic revolution. We are aware that the enemy is determined to define Madiba in its own image, its own interest and also to detach him from his own base. Madiba was an embodiment of the true fundamental principles of ubuntu.

His entire life to the noble cause of the struggle of our people was a hallmark of the true values of respect, tolerance and reconciliation. He dedicated his entire life for the freedom and dignity of the people of the world. He spent twenty seven years in prison fighting for the liberation of the soul of humanity. 

Therefore the hooligans who booed our President during the memorial service are a curse to our society. They are a curse because they cannot respect the dead. They are an antithesis of the true values, culture and traditions our rainbow nation represents.

Obviously they are not members of our glorious national liberation movement which Madiba led for the entire of his life. They are not members of the ANC which Madiba declared himself that upon arrival into the shores of heaven, his first task will be to launch its first branch,  if it is not there.

The ANC must ensure that those who were involved from within our ranks in these treacherous acts of the enemy must be expelled immediately. They don't even deserve to be given an opportunity of exhausting our internal democratic disciplinary processes. They must be exposed and shamed before the masses of our people for who they are. The enemies of our revolution.

We are a nation of peace. We are a nation of Nelson Mandela. We have to show the world that the Madiba magic will resonate with us forever. We are a beacon of hope to humanity. We are the living monuments of Nelson Mandela.

Our people must be exemplary during this trying period of national mourning. Our unity is the only precondition to give Madiba a good send off. Our immediate task is to isolate those who want to undermine the aspiration and wishes of our leader Nelson Mandela.

In his memory we will ensure that his organisation, the ANC, gets an overwhelming majority in the forthcoming national general elections. In his memory we will take forward the struggle for the total transformation of our rainbow nation. There is no any other formidable political formation in our country capable of taking forward the struggle for the improvement of the living conditions of our people, rather than the ANC.

Rest in peace Madiba.

Phatse Justice Piitso is the former Ambassador to the republic of Cuba and the former provincial secretary of the SACP writing this article on his personal capacity.


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