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The people of WCape must liberate themselves from racist DA rule

Justice Piitso says CEE report proof the party is turning province into a typical apartheid, neo-colonial outpost

The people of the Western Cape must liberate themselves from the shackles of the racist administration led by the Democratic Alliance.

For the second consecutive time the annual report of the commission for  the Employment Equity has publish the findings that the Western Cape under the political auspices of the Democratic Alliance is the worst performing province. The 13th report of the commission for Employment Equity has again exposed the cynical conspiracy by the Democratic Alliance, of undermining the collective effort by our democratic government,  to accelerate the transformation of the top management positions in both the public and the private sector in the province. 

The report of the commission has reaffirmed our long held view that the leadership of the DA is determined to turn the Western Cape province into a typical Apartheid neo colonial outpost. It has also confirmed our characterization of the DA as a racist white party, led by a faction of conservative white males, whose main preoccupation is to maintain and protect the Apartheid socio economic architecture. 

The leadership is manipulating its political authority in the Western Cape to undermine the cause of the struggles of our people for a better life. This equally reflects the extent to which the DA is determined to undermine the tidal wave of transformation for the improvement of the socio economic conditions of our people throughout the country.

This is a living testimony that they have declared themselves to be an impediment to our collective effort to eradicate the pandemic legacy of imperialism and colonialism of a special type confronting our people. The reality is that the DA is undermining the collective wisdom of our people to alleviate themselves from the pandemic conditions of poverty, disease and underdevelopment.

The outcomes of the report of the commission for the Employment Equity this year has again reaffirmed the notion that the leadership of the DA is renting the province as a barometer to measure the extent to which they can undermine the effort of our people to change their own living conditions. Our beautiful province has become an experiment of how to restore Apartheid socio economic relations back into the domain of our society. 

The emerging trend is that the Democratic Alliance is entrenching its hard core traditional racist policies in all areas under its political jurisdiction throughout the country. It is becoming obvious that if given any opportunity to preside over the political administration of our country, it will reimpose racist Apartheid policies in full force. Hence our scientific extrapolation that instead of the enemy of a revolution dying it will always change its character and form. 

The DA is fastly changing its form and character to adapt itself to the prevailing material conditions of our times. It has assumed a life of a chameleon. It is decorating its leadership face with black people whilst at the same time parading itself as an authentic leader of the struggles of our people. It is negating the historic objectives of the struggles of our people to liberate themselves from Apartheid colonialism.  

Throughout the years the people of our country have proven themselves to be their own masters of exposing the enemy of the revolution. They have at the same time mastered the art of patience in situations of low intensity counter revolution. We have always given space for the enemy of our revolution to unleash its full potential. Our revolution has the capacity to wait.

Our national liberation movement has always became the torchbearer of the struggles for the liberation of our people. We have defeated the most powerful and the worst form of a racist fascist regime in the history of mankind. Even today the popular and democratic power of our people will defeat any attempt by the enemy forces to reverse back the gains of the struggles of our people. 

By the enemy of our revolution we refer to any person or any organization that seeks to perpetuate the racist Apartheid policies that were declared a crime against humanity by the United Nations General Assembly. By the enemy of our revolution we refer to anyone or organization that seeks to undermine the collective effort of the people of our country to construct a non racial, non sexist, democratic and prosperous country. 

The enemy of our people is anyone who seeks to halt the advance of our national democratic revolution to liberate the black people in general and the african people in particular. The enemy of our people is anyone who seeks to halt the revolutionary advance of the leading role of the previously marginalized people into the mainstream of our economy. 

The report on the commission of the Employment Equity can be used effectively as a credible yardstick to measure the pace of transformation underway in our country. The reason why we are not at all astonished by the shocking outcomes of the statistics of the Western Cape as compared to other provinces. The Western Cape province has become the capital city of the racist counter revolutionary agenda led by the DA against our people. The results are consistent with the racist posture and the historic character and evolution of the Democratic Alliance.

Under the political auspices of the DA the Western Cape has become the only province in the country where white people are overrepresented at all the levels of our top management echelons in both private and the public sector. The overwhelming majority of the black population( africans, Indians and coloureds) are marginalized from the mainstream decision making platforms.

The shocking revelations of the report confirms that in the Western Cape white males are still occupying two thirds of the top management positions in both the public and the private sector. It is again most humiliating to find out the number of white females occupying the top management positions is more than the combined number of all black people at same level. 

The most painful true story is that black people and particularly African people with disabilities and females in the Western Cape are the most marginalized sections of our society. It is shocking to find out that whilst the DA is mounting a blistering malicious campaign against what they refer as cadre development policy led by the ANC, they are at the same time removing almost all black heads of departments and senior managers with the necessary expertise and capacities from their positions,  for dubious reasons that they are members of the ANC.

The composition of the Western Cape executive council which is predominantly decorated with pale white males and few black faces is a cherry on top. The same is happening in all of their structures throughout the country. This is the reason why our people should fight any attempt by the DA to expand its horizons of influence in our country. Racial discrimination is still the mainstay of the bloodstreams and the DNA of its policies. 

Racial discrimination is manifesting itself in the deeply rooted developmental patterns designed by the DA administration in the Western Cape. Plans for the provision of infrastructural development and essential services are mainly directed to the rich in the affluent suburbs, whilst the underlying poverty stricken black townships and settlements in the farming areas are neglected.

The recent attempts by the DA led government to close black schools, to support slave wage and continuous exploitation of farmworkers, efforts to undermine black economic empowerment policies and the transformation of our economic landscape, and the attempts to thwart the efforts of the Khoisan community to get access to the ownership of their land, is a living testimony that the DA is not ready to replenish itself from the traditions of its racist policy formulations.

It is time that the people of the Western Cape liberate themselves from these perpetual acts of violations of human rights and the noble values of our democratic constitution. We should leave no stone unturned to use our democratic rights enshrined in our constitution to reverse back the racist policy backlash unleashed by the DA against our people in the Western Cape. The people of the Western Cape can not allow Apartheid to rule from the grave.

The Western Cape cannot be used as a fortress to perpetuate racist policies that seek to undermine the tremendous gains of our national democratic revolution. Our task is to liberate the working class from the hands of the racist administration led by the DA in the Western Cape.

Phatse Justice Piitso is the former Ambassador to the republic of Cuba and the former provincial secretary of the SACP writing this article on his personal capacity.

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