ANC looks forward to welcoming Minister Lavrov to SA

Decision puts an end to speculation about BRICS summit and Putin’s warrant for arrest

ANC statement on the announcement about the Russian delegation to BRICS summit

20 July 2023

The African National Congress (ANC) has noted the announcement by the Office of the President of the Republic of South Africa, Comrade Cyril Ramaphosa, regarding the delegation of the Russian Federation to the BRICS Summit to be convened from 22 — 24 August here in South Africa.

It was announced that the Russian Federation has sent official communication indicating that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, will be the leader of the Russian delegation and not President Vladimir Putin. The ANC notes the decision of the Russian government and looks forward to welcoming Minister Sergei Lavrov as one of the leaders of delegations from our BRICS partners. Minister Lavrov is one of the veteran foreign affairs leaders in the world and brings to the summit invaluable insights.

This announcement by the Presidency also helps put an end to months of international speculation about the circumstances under which the BRICS Summit in South Africa will be had. We look forward to getting down to the important work of the Summit and mapping out a strategic future for the BRICS partnership together with other south-south cooperation initiatives.

The ANC reiterates its stance on a negotiated end to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In this regard, the ANC will continue to encourage the peace efforts such as the African Heads of State Mission and other initiatives.

It is in the interest of global peace and stability that a negotiated peace plan be arrived at. This peace plan must address the root causes of the conflict to guarantee the sustainability of the peace agreement. The provisions of the United Nations Charter must be observed.

Issued by Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, ANC National Spokesperson, 20 July 2023