On the Sunday Times' Cato Manor Death Squad stories
Mary de Haas |
19 October 2018
An open letter from Mary de Haas to Editor Bongani Siqoko on decision to pull and apologise for the stories
To: Mr Siqoko, Editor,Sunday Times
Per email
Dear Mr Siqoko
1. This open letter stems from your decision to apologise for theSunday Times having published the Cato Manor ‘death squad’ story InDecember 2011, and calls to reveal sources, so I feel it necessary toprovide you with some background information about this story. Pleasenote that I know nothing about the other two stories that have evokedwidespread outrage, the ‘Rogue Unit’ and Zimbabwean renditions exceptfor what I have read in the press (although I think that one of theHawks members who was at one stage named in the renditions story wasimplicated in the malicious arrest and torture of a police member inconnection with an Mpumalanga case).
Nor did I have anything to dowith supplying photographs accompanying the report. Perhaps I havemissed something important, but having re-read the report of 11December 2011 I could see nothing obviously false about it, and thoseimplicated had been given the right to respond. (it was, perhapssensationalised, but that happens frequently, given media competitionto sell newspapers). I would thus like you to explain to me and thepublic why you apparently accept that it is ‘fake news’.
I am setting the record straight, including by providing detailedbackground information, because there is a very real risk of the truefacts of what happened – especially the wider context in which ithappened - being swept under the carpet in the unseemly haste in somequarters to make political capital out of the deaths of many people,some of them undoubtedly innocent.
I was contacted by one of the reporters a whilebefore the article was published, in connection with an investigationhe and others were then doing into taxi violence and killings in KZN.I have detailed knowledge of some of the taxi conflict, which I shallsummarise below since it is central to the story, so I arranged forStephan Hofstatter and Mzilikazi Wa Afrika to meet with some taxidrivers who had first-hand experience of what was happening, had lostcolleagues in the conflict, and were living in fear that they would bekilled.
At least two of them who provided information for the story -Mthethwa and Sangweni – were subsequently killed, and I shall detailsome of the harassment they and others experienced, allegedly at thehands of some of the Organized Crime members, before they were shotdead in what follows. (It was only later that I learnt about thephotos which were published, but I was not told who had suppliedthem).
With the exception of Kranskop, all of these stations fall under theKwaDukuza Cluster, which seemed to be the epicentre of much that washappening. There is a history of competition and conflict over routesin these areas involving, among others, an extremely powerful andpolitically well-connected-long distance association and thoseassociated with it and various other associations.
Some of them hadpermits to operate locally, and some had permits to operate furtherafield. Some of the conflict, e.g. in Mandeni, was linked to taxiwarlords operating without permits for the specific routes on whichthey were harassing local operators. Most of these operators havesecurity company employees guarding them some of whom were notregistered with PSIRA, despite carrying big guns. In addition to thecompetition, e.g. between Stanger and Maphumulo Associations, therewas also conflict within the Stanger association because a powerfulfaction had taken control of the association and insisted that alloperators pay money for security arrangements which benefitted on them(the leadership). Operators who refused to pay what was basicallyextortion money were targeted.
There is also a history of allegedpolice involvement in this taxi conflict, with some reportedlyoperating taxis themselves. There were also widespread allegations ofpolice taxing kickbacks from certain operators to act againstcompetitors. This was the context in which some members of the DurbanOrganized Crime unit were operating during the period in question.The general trend – which I have recorded so often, in so manysituations – was that the police would fail to act against knownperpetrators but harass their competitors through malicious arrests,torture (of which there is also medical evidence) and allegedkillings.
This was the context in which, in March 2008, forty three guns werestolen from a storeroom at the kwaMaphumulo police station. The thenstation commissioner, who was not on duty that weekend, told me thathe had repeatedly pointed out to the provincial office that thestoreroom was not secure, but nothing had been done about it. All theguns stolen were linked to taxi violence as exhibits (other weapons,and even money, was not touched) which suggests that the theft was an‘inside job’. The investigating officer was Snr Supt Chonco, a seniorofficer/station commissioner at Kranskop SAPS, who was shot dead inAugust 2008. When I last received an update from the SAPS severalyears ago none of the guns had been recovered.
4.1. Family B had permits to operate taxis in areas around Mandeni,and were threatened and harassed by operator C, whose operating permitexcluded the B routes. In March 2010 five men armed with a variety ofweapons, including an R4 or R5, opened fire on members of the familyat their rural home, killing one of the adult sons and a young child,and seriously injuring another adult son, S. Some members of thefamily had previously been tortured by the police.
In September 2010,a group of between eight and ten men, who were not in uniform, norbearing any form of identification, arrived at the family home (headedby the frail, elderly mother of the adult sons and their children),ordered that they be let in, and pointed guns at the family. Theysearched the home, apparently looking for S, (who had been badlyinured in the March attack). He was not there. Three of the men werewhite, and one of them was recognised as P, a member of the OrganizedCrime Unit.[1] P was also seen moving around with taxi warlord C.
4.2. Bonginkosi Mthethwa : Mthethwa, like Sangweni and Xaba (see 4.3and 4.4.) had refused to be part of the extortion racket they claimedwas being operated by members of Stanger Taxi Association with whommembers of the SAPS, including in Organized Crime, were allegedly incahoots. He spent much of his time in hiding. He was warned by amember of Organized Crime (black), who was allegedly also colludingwith taxi warlord C, that he, Mthethwa was under investigation for theattempted murder of warlord C. On 9 September 2010 Mthethwa was‘arrested’ by Organized Crime member P and he managed to phone me andtell me.
I asked to speak to P and asked why he had been arrested andwhere he was taking Mthethwa. I could hear the anger in P’s voicewhen he replied curtly that he was taking him to the local policestation. Mthethwa subsequently advised me that he had been taken tothe local police station where they asked why he had been brought inas there was no case against him. Mthethwa continued to receiveinformation about plans by the police to kill him, and continued to‘duck and dive’. In September 2012 he was with two other operators,one of whom was Sangweni (see 4.3.) when they were shot and injured inKwaDukuza.
They alleged that the shootings took place amidst a heavypolice presence, and that the police did not intervene. They allegedthat when two of their associates went to report the shooting to thestation commission they were followed into the station by three men,whose names they knew, who were armed. Some time after this incidentMthethwa was shot dead.
4.3. Azarius Sangweni had formerly operated taxis in KwaDukuza, andmade similar allegations to those made by the B brothers and Mthethwaabout involvement of certain Organized Crime members in harassment andviolence. He withdrew from the KwaDukuza association following thedeath of Xaba (see 4.4.) and threats to his own life by those incontrol of the association, including its vice-chairperson, who hadallegedly been implicated in the attempt to kill him and Mthethwa inSeptember 2012.
In December 2013 Sangweni was advised that the verysame taxi association official had opened a case of attempted murderagainst him at Kranskop. It was the fourth case he had opened, and allthe others had been thrown out of court. Sangweni claimed an attempthad been made to kill him when he attended court. He believed thatthere was collusion between certain Kranskop members and the man whohad opened the case and that it was yet another attempt to kill him byarresting him.
The station commissioner was requested to inspect thedocket and, if it was necessary to arrest him, to do so in thepresence of his lawyer and detain him in cells in Durban orPietermaritzburg. Nothing came of these charges. Sangweni hadrelocated his taxi operations to the Durban West area, where he wasshot dead after returning from a meeting in March 2015.
4.4. Mr R N Xaba, who had also refused to pay protection money tothose who had taken over the Stanger Taxi Association, made astatement to the police on 11 March 2010 that as from 2009 he and acolleague (Mr T) had been receiving death threats from the police andthe taxi association. In his statement, sent to the Stanger TaxiAssociation, he appealed to them to rectify matters for if they didnot do so ‘my life will always be in danger or cease to exist’. Xaba,too, spent most of his time in hiding. Two months later, when he wastravelling with a neighbour (who had no connection to the taxiindustry), who was giving him a lift to Durban, the car they were inwas chased by a police vehicle and came under heavy gunfire.
Bothsuffered multiple injuries and died. The ICD (now IPID) ‘monitored’the investigations, despite it having been pointed out to them thatthe local investigator was not trusted because he was said to be closeto the driver of the police car who was alleged to have taxi interestsof his own. The driver, who was from the area, was working in anotherpolicing unit and, when the head of the unit was confronted with thevehicle registration details, provided full information about theincident and confirmed that ‘During the said incident the member….wasthe team leader and was liaising with Organized Crime’ (letter fromSection Head of unit, dated 28/9/2012) Both the deceased leftfamilies and children, and the SAPS have admitted civil liability.
4.5.Bongani Mkhize: In August 2008 Snr Supt Chonco was shot dead onhis way to court. A number of suspects in the killings then died atthe hands of members of the Organized Crime unit, supposedly inshoot-outs, which led to the Chairperson of the Maphumulo TaxiAssociation seeking protection from the High Court.
This Associationhad permits to operate in several north coast areas, and also as faras the Eastern Cape. In his affidavit applying for an interdictagainst the National Minister of Police, the local MEC for CommunitySafety and Liaison Bheki Cele, the Provincial Commissioner SAPS, andthe Head of Organized Crime, Commissioner J Booysen (Case 1359/2008),Mkhize refers to the police taking sides in taxi conflict.
He alsostates, among other things, that a security guard employed by hisassociation, Moses Dlamini, had been taken to the Cato Manor OrganizedCrime offices where he had a allegedly been ‘tubed’ (near suffocation,which is still widely used by SAPS members despite torture being aserious crime) and badly assaulted. He had been shown a list of namesof suspects in the death of Chonco, and had been told that Mkhize wasalso implicated. Dlamini was released without being charged.
Mkhize states that those whose names were on the list, and others, hadbeen killed by the Unit and that he himself was the only person namedwho was still alive. He believed he would be killed by the Cato Manorunit and said that if he was a suspect in the murder of Chonco he wasprepared to hand himself to the police in the presence of the lawyersand the ICD.
Also attached to Mkhize’s application is an affidavitfrom the wife of one of those who had already been killed, Buthelezi,who states that the police had kicked down the door of their Stangerhome when they were asleep and had dragged her husband from the room(‘he had nothing in his hands…..he was not armed’). She was later toldby the police that her husband had died, and subsequently found a poolof blood in the other bedroom to which she had taken her husband.On 14 November 2008 the High Court ordered that the Respondents wereinterdicted from unlawfully killing, injuring, threatening, harassingor in any way unlawfully intimidating the Applicant’. Less than threemonths later Mkhize was shot dead while travelling in the centre ofDurban.
5. Most of the foregoing is covered in my correspondence with thepolice (copied to the Minister and the parliamentary portfoliocommittee), so I made whatever written information was relevantavailable to the Sunday Times journalists. At one stage I also putthem in touch with someone I shall call X who had called me expressinggreat concern after witnessing the shooting dead of two of thesuspects, but stressed that given issues of family safety they had toremain anonymous, especially as they had taken photos. I know X byrepute as an upstanding citizen who would have no possible motive infabricating the information provided.
These are X’s words when wespoke ‘there was no shoot-out with the police’ They had pulledalongside the vehicle and ‘executed the two occupants’ Furtherdetail about what happened was provided, including that the rearwindow of the suspects’ vehicle was initially intact, but one of thepolice members smashed out the rear window with his gun to hide thefact that shots had only been fired into the vehicle and not out ofit. I told Hofstatter this story to explain why it was virtuallyimpossible to get witnesses to come forward and he asked if X wouldspeak to him. I checked with X, who agreed on condition of anonymityand as far as I know that commitment was honoured (and must obviouslyremain so)
6. Cries for the blood of the journalists connect the story to thesubsequent criminal charges against members of the unit and GeneralBooysen (by then the SAPS had, regretfully, reverted to the use ofmilitary ranks). Of course, by the expose there was likely to be someresponse from police management but, as far as I am concerned, it wasbadly handled.
I have never been able to fathom why the specificcharges were made against Booysen, especially given that there hadbeen no convictions against members of his unit. The occasionalresponse I received to my letters from Organized Crime was from (then)Col Olivier. Regarding the individual cases, it would have been farpreferable to bring charges on a case-by-case basis, based on thestrength of the evidence.
From the point of view of the families ofthose who died, the publicity around the re-opening of the cases ledto further trauma, including fears for their own safety if they werewitnesses. It also led to hopes that the trials would bring someclosure for them. That seems extremely unlikely. The criminal casehas dragged on – apparently prolonged by all legal means by thoseaccused – while the families of victims continue to suffer. I gatherfrom one of the investigators (not from KZN) that the appetite forproceeding with the charges dampened when Gen Phiyega was appointed asNational Commissioner.
I have been fortunate to work closely with, and learn from, highlycredible police members for almost thirty years, and I am painfullyaware that even with the strongest of available evidence, ifinvestigators and/or prosecutors are incompetent, or wish to scuttlecases, it is relatively easy to do so. I was once even given detailsby a seasoned investigator about exactly which tactics are used toruin a case.
The police who have been charged have access to lawyerswho are experts in their field. The poor do not and, in this case asso many others I personally deal with, it is probably the poor whowill end up suffering doubly, first by the loss of their loved onesand secondly by the deliberate delaying strategies being used to bringthese cases to finality, prolonging closure of any kind.
7. Regardless of the outcome of the cases against the accused, thefollowing should be obvious from the information I have provided:
7.1. Why were Organized Crime members interfering in matters relatingto taxi activities as, e.g. in KwaDukuza and Mandeni, when there was aTaxi Task team constituted to deal with it (not that it enjoyed muchcredibility)? Organized Crime claim to be top investigators – yet theycould not even bring known taxi warlords to book, even when theirunregistered security company employees were running aroundbrandishing dangerous weapons. Why?
They doubtless have successes (and so they should have, given theirexperience and, probably, resources) but they also have conspicuousfailures which receive no publicity, such as that involving the attackon the wife and daughter of King Zwelithini and the murder of arelative, in KwaMashu in April 1996.
7.2. I do not understand why Organized Crime should enjoy thespotlight when there are many good, dedicated detectives working awayand getting High Court convictions in difficult cases, but there is norecognition for their work, let alone accolades. The team headed bythe late Col Vilakazi springs to mind for having secured a string ofhigh court convictions in the north coast in the 1990s and brought ahalt to the political violence in Mandeni and Mtubatuba.
Similarly,when in charge of a unit in the south of Durban several years agobefore he retired, half of the cases of taxi violence were in court,and a key taxi warlord in Umbumbulu had been convicted in the HighCourt. However, Vilakazi’s team did not enjoy support because it hadtargeted at least one person who was politically well-connected, andthe unit was disbanded after his retirement.
7.3. A number of the Organized Crime members have tainted apartheidbackgrounds; e.g. at least one was, according to informed policesources, a member of the security police. Under apartheid, membersmight move from the security police to SANAB or Murder and Robbery,and the unit was widely alleged, including by other police members, touse the same sort of tactics as are alleged to have been used in thecases for which they have been charged. In the 1990s, one former(white) member of a Murder and Robbery Unit told me personally how hislife had gone to pieces because of trauma caused by what he hadwitnessed in the unit where he was stationed.
Old habits die hardbecause the new, post-1994 government did nothing constructive totransform the police. It is not only Organized Crime who standaccused of executing suspects. It is a trend that continues uncheckedbecause of the dysfunctionality of IPID and its predecessor the ICD.There seems to be a lack of any political will to deal with it. Thereis often also an uncritical approach to police utterances on the partof the media. For example, instead of any further interrogation, theywill simply report, as in one of the articles following the death ofChonco, ‘Cop’s killers die in shootout’. This is a very dangerousmindset, for those killed were suspects who had not been brought totrial and convicted.
8. In an academic paper I wrote in 1987, when nothing was being doneto stop the deaths in the townships, and the media were, for the mostpart, presenting a completely distorted picture of what was actuallyhappening, I quoted Bob Dylan’s classic words ‘How many deaths does ittake till we know that too many people have died?’ and asked whetheraction would be taken if those who were dying were white. Thirtyyears later, it is still pertinent to point out that excessive numbersof people continue to die at the hands of the police, or to betortured by the same police, yet the new, black, democratic governmentdoes nothing about it, despite its continuing obsession with racialcategories. Why is there no outcry?
9. So, in conclusion Mr Editor, having hopefully read what I havewritten, please tell me if I have missed something important regardingthe reporting on the Cato Manor unit, and please tell everyone why youthink the journalists who wrote the Death Squad story have, like thosewriting during apartheid, distorted the truth - and provide us withthe factual basis on which you have apparently decided that the storyis ‘fake news’.