Speaker’s bias and lack of objectivity in Parliament appalling - ATM

There was no basis whatsoever in removing President Vuyo Zungula from the House

ATM appalled by the speaker’s bias and lack of objectitivty in Parliament sittings

9 February 2023

The African Transformation Movement (ATM) has noted, with greater concem, the ongoing trend of bias and lack of objectivity displayed by a biased and partisan Speaker who fails to protect ALL Members of Parliament but upholds a party line to protect a President that has been said to have several cases to answer for by an Independent Panel.

It is fact that the Speaker had no ground whatsoever in removing President Vuyo Zungula from the House, citing contradictory statements as her basis for the removal of President Zungula, namely, that his conducting was unbecoming then later cited that President Zungula rose on an incorrect rule and point of order.

It must be understood that todays State of the Nation Address was procedurally flawed in the sense that no prior warning was issued to President Zungula, and that the ATM will take this matter up with the Rules Committee. The rules state that the Presiding Officer needs to wam a Member at least 3 times before evicting the Member out of the chambers.

In the same light, must have shocked South Africans that armed members of the SAPS and SANDF were present in the chambers prior to being invited into the Chambers by the Speaker, further pointing to the intimidation tactics and irregularity by the Speaker to Members of Parliament with an independent voice outside of the biased and partisan one that rules that Parliament.

SANDF is under the Executive's authority, not the Speaker. This irregularity must be uncovered and dealt with immediately. This means dictatorship is in full force where Ramaphosa runs, even Parliament. The Speaker is even afraid to ask him to sit down when a point of order is raised Parliament belongs to the people. The Speaker is biased. We will make sure that we hold her accountable.

The ATM is not in Parliament to appease a status quo, but rather to be the voice of the voiceless and disposed, and shall not be bullied into submission by the powers that be.

This is a warning to all officials and Members of the Executive that the ATM will NOT sit idly by and watch the rights of many people being trampled on by this govemment that fails to protect the citizens from capture and corruption.

Issued by ATM, 9 February 2023