Background document on CIPRO 2008/09 annual report and ECM tender, May 18 2010
Today, at the meeting of the Standard Committee on Public Accounts, Scopa, the Companies and Intellectual Property Rights Office (Cipro) had to account for a qualification in its 2008/09 annual report as well as the report of the Auditor-General released in March 2010.
Cipro has come a long way since 2005/06 financial year when the Auditor-General gave Cipro the lowest possible grade, namely a disclaimer. At this time the Auditor-General was unable to express an opinion on the financial statements due to the weak internal control environment, which resulted in policies and procedures being either non-existent or not strictly followed or enforced.
Since then, Cipro has developed a turnaround strategy in the 2006/07 financial year, to ensure that sound financial management principles and proper financial controls were introduced. The objectives of this strategy were to ensure that all the issues raised by the Auditor-General during the previous report were addressed. This resulted to CIPRO being given an unqualified report for 2006/07 and 2007/08.
Although CIPRO continued to implement its plan and controls, it received a qualification in 2008/09 which was by its nature very technical, the reason for the qualification relates to the manner in which Cipro records its revenue as it deviates from the relevant South African statements of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (SA GAAP) in the accounting treatment of Annual Return Revenue. To address this qualification, the following actions were taken and implemented:
* A task team was established in September 2009 to simplify the deregistration process of companies and close corporations by reducing the number of letters to be issued as well as automate certain processes
* A general marketing/awareness drive was conducted to sensitise companies, close corporations and stakeholders on the duty to comply with annual returns and the consequences of non-compliance. Lists of non-compliant companies were published on the CIPRO website and there were general advertisements on radio and in the printed media to inform companies that they would be referred for deregistration for failing to submit annual returns
* All non-compliant companies and close corporations since inception of annual returns, and up to 30 April 2010 have been referred for deregistration. The process is still continuing for companies and close corporations
* The annual return lodgement and support systems, applications and processes are being reviewed in order to improve the quality of the systems, applications and processes and subsequently the integrity of the CIPRO database.