Corruption in DMR needs to be investigated - Dexter

COPE MP says confidential applications are being cloned then backdated

The current situation in the Department of Mineral Resources warrants further investigation, says COPE spokesperson and member of the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources, Philip Dexter M.P.

"The issue of the prospective sale of Crown Imperial Trading to ArcelorMittal is the final piece of the circumstantial puzzle that confirms what we have suspected for a very long time; that certain officials are giving out confidential information that would ultimately benefit so-called BEE companies, politically connected to the ruling party, to the tune of hundreds of millions of Rands" (see Moneyweb interview).

"Certain companies with links to influential members of the executive then 'park' on the mining rights until bigger companies with expertise and money are forced to buy them out under the guise of BEE. This is nothing more than an act of demanding ransom or tribute. It is the most parasitic form of capitalism we have ever seen."

Phillip Dexter has stated that he will raise with COPE that it pursue the possibility of laying criminal charges against certain individuals implicated in these activities, even if it means implicating the highest office in the land.

Statement issued by Phillip Dexter, COPE spokesperson on mineral resources, August 14 2010

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