South Africa's Secrecy Bill is a "threat" to Free Expression, says FAJ
The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African Regional Organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), condemns in the strongest terms possible the South Africa's proposed Protection of Information Bill (the Secrecy Law), terming it a foremost threat to freedom of information and freedom of expression in South Africa.
Protection of Information Bill which is currently before the South African parliament after being presented by the Minister of State Security is based on broadly defined and severely worded clauses of secrecy, national security and national interest. South African journalists have objected to the bill as a violation to freedom of expression. Journalists are also opposed to the proposed Media Appeals Tribunal.
"The bill in its present shape is deplorable and a travesty to freedom of the press, freedom of expression and the right of the people to access government information. Taking this bill into further discussions will mean giving it an essence that it does not disserve. It is against the values of democracy and human rights, and should not get its way into being passed by country's parliament. We call upon the South African government to shelve this draconian bill," said Omar Faruk Osman, FAJ President.
The contentious Bill states that information in the hands of government and other authorities should be classified and thus is being seen by journalists' community as a mechanism of denying the public the right to access this information in the pretext of "national security" or "national interest". Officials have to check if releasing information might be harmful to free trade, democracy, economic growth, a stable monetary system, pursuit for justice, the survival of the state or the advancement of the public good, according to the proposed Bill. The officials are also required, if the bill is passed, to state if the information is ‘confidential', ‘secret' or ‘top secret'.
"Media's ability to provide quality information and report on issues of public importance will be extremely undermined by this Bill," Omar Faruk added.