Government has run out of money
7 July 2020
“There is no such thing as ‘safe’ socialism. If it’s safe, it’s not socialism. And if it’s socialism, it’s not safe. The signposts of socialism point downhill to less freedom, less prosperity, downhill to more muddle, more failure. If we follow them to their destination, they will lead this nation into bankruptcy.”
That statement was not made about the ANC, it was made by Margaret Thatcher. But it is just as true of South Africa and the ANC as it was about the UK forty or so years ago.
An often-quoted statement by Thatcher is: “The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’ money.”
The truth of those statements, however unfashionable Margaret Thatcher might be in certain circles, is incontrovertible. South Africa is on the point of running out of money. It is not Covid-19 that caused that; it is the ruinous policies followed by the government over the generation it has occupied the seats of power. Covid-19 has made the situation much worse but so have the corruption, the looting, the deliberate breaking or ignoring of financial laws and regulations and plain incompetent management and government at every level.