Dear Family and Friends,
The frost is lying thick on the ground these winter mornings and on the roadsides the remains of people’s summer maize harvest is painting a frightening picture of what lies ahead for Zimbabwe in the months to come. For the last six weeks we’ve watched a patchy, very lean crop being carried away from people’s self-apportioned, roadside plots.
Where usually you might see eight or ten bags of maize cobs waiting to be carried away, this year just three or four bags have been harvested. Others haven’t harvested even a single bag as their crops were so starved of nutrients that no cobs formed at all. Sadly, the picture is not much better in many rural farming areas where small scale, self-sufficient farmers have reaped almost nothing this season.
“Have you got enough to last your family till next year’s harvest?” I asked one man who said he’d got eight bags of maize from his rural fields.
“Not even until Christmas,” he said, “and most of my neighbours are even worse off.”