For the jaded observer, there is some satisfaction in watching banal slogans come back to bite their creators on the bum.
Whether it’s Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again, or Cyril Ramaphosa’s New Dawn, the reality of being able to control only a subset of cogs in the lumbering behemoth that is the global politico-economic order, means disillusion is inevitable. The post-1945 leitmotif of steady progress to a better life for all, sadly, is simply not true.
That things are bad and are likely to get worse before they get better, is not a message that voters want to hear and consequently no politician willingly articulates it. It is only when a country is on its knees, that the politicians will tell the unpleasant truth, and then only because there patently is no option.
Even as Greece trembled on the brink of economic and social collapse a few years ago, its government was blustering, threatening and cursing the fates – in this case, the European Union and those nasty Germans – until the very last second. Then they buckled under the weight of the inevitable.
The populist Syriza party that under firebrand leader Alexis Tsipras had sworn never to surrender Greek sovereignty – the right to run a notoriously corrupt, over-staffed, over-paid and incompetent government bureaucracy dispensing unaffordable amounts of social largesse – upon winning the election promptly broke every campaign promise they had made. Harsh austerity measures were imposed, including cutting pensions and child benefits, cracking down on the untaxed “underground” economy, and curbing union power.