Barstool Analysis
An experienced international journalist once recounted to me how they operated in many areas of the world. He said they always moved into a local hotel that was secure and being used by the majority of the Press, then they canvassed their colleagues as to what was happening and got down to work. They would follow all the contacts that they could establish and track down leads, but in the end they often relied on ‘barstool talk” in the local hang outs.
This explains the consensus that one so often finds building up in a volatile situation where accurate and reliable information is difficult to find. It is even more important where there is a deliberate programme of misinformation designed to mislead and confuse observers. Observers include the Diplomatic Community who are always an important constituency and the local and international Press.
Today, with the decline in the print media and the rise and rise in social media where information simply overwhelms every other voice, the rise in television with its 30 second “sound bite” and the need of everyone to “sell” their views or news (they are very different!), it is not difficult to understand that the day to day consensus of views held by this volatile community, not only changes rapidly but is often completely wrong and misses critical shifts in emerging crisis situations.
So this past week I heard an analysis of the Zimbabwe crisis which had been given to a senior diplomat by his colleagues. It was disturbing because it was so wrong in many ways and was significantly out of date. Zimbabwe is an analysts nightmare, because we have been treated like mushrooms for so long (long before Independence), and this process is broadly defined as being kept in the dark and fed on manure, that we are a society with a great rumor mill. Very few have any real content. The State media is so used to telling lies and in fact is quite good at it, and the “facts” are always suspect. People used to accepting that when a Minister makes an official statement, it is accurate, have to understand that here he is simply spouting the mantra that is the flavor of the day. The Zanu PF regime is very disciplined in this respect.
Officials who have access to the real facts are skilled at staying mute – fear drives the whole process and is a very effective “enforcer”. So the barstool becomes the main source of analysis and consensus and this is dangerous. Counter views, no matter how well founded are often brushed aside as being conjecture.