ANCWL statement on the Women's Month
1 August 2018
The 1st of August, marks the beginning of the women's month in South Africa. The African National Congress Women's League (ANCWL) will use this month to reflect and celebrate women's contributions to the political freedom in South Africa. We will also use this month to intensify campaigns for an end to all forms of violence against women, children and other vulnerable groups. ]
Many forebears of our struggle selflessly sacrificed their lives fighting for and end of oppression of women in South Africa. In this year of the centenary of Mama Albertina Sisulu we will use the month of August to celebrate all heroines of our struggle. All the ANCWL provinces will ensure that branches supported by their regions and provinces have a ward level programs that focuses on honouring heroines of the struggles within their ward levels intergrating that with "Molo Makhelwane Programs" around those wards. The focus will be to all heroines of women struggles across all liberation movements in South Africa
We will be honouring the heroines of women struggle under a dark cloud of high levels of gender based violence in the country. There is need for all sectors of society to develop public awareness of zero tolerance toward gender based violence. More than ever before, there is a need for active participation of all citizens in the fight against gender based violence and build gender equal society. The levels of gender based violence in the country requires all members of society to unite and fight the scourge.
The ANCWL calls all faith based organization to dedicate the whole month of August to preach sermons only focusing on condeming gender based violences. We call all media houses to dedicate more airtime and space on the fight against gender based violences. We call all traditional leaders to convene traditional gatherings to raise awareness and condemn gender based violences within their communities.