The ANC held its last NEC meeting for the year at the Philliip Sanders Resort in Mangaung on the 25th - 27th November 2011. Its focus was on the pending centenary celebrations, completing organizational issues and considered the presentation for the ANC's national policy conference scheduled to take place next year in June.
The NEC received a report from the National Centenary Task Team (NCTT) on the state of readiness. We also conducted an inspection in loco of the significant sites where the celebrations will be hosted. The NEC commended the team led by Comrade Baleka Mbete for having covered a significant ground in their preparations. The NEC has endorsed the work done and is looking forward to staging historic events for whole year in 2012, that will register milestones in the long walk to freedom by all South Africans.
Organisational issues
An assessment of the NEC Sub-committees was done, thus completing the assessment of the state of organization. All the committees are functional and are engaging in the formulation of policy and monitoring implementation. The deployment of many NEC members to other responsibilities stretches them to a point of making attendance of meetings erratic. But we are satisfied with the volume and quality of working coming out of these sub-committees.