ANC rewrites history while Jewish community commemorates October 7 – SAJBD

ANC has consistently lauded the perpetrators, without any sympathy for worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust

ANC rewrites history while Jewish community commemorates October 7

7 October 2024

The ANC has chosen to rewrite history with the sole aim of hurting South African Jewry.  A year ago, on October the 7, when Hamas brutally killed, raped, burnt, murdered and kidnapped innocent Israeli civilians, leaving over 1 200 dead, it refused to condemn Hamas and show any sympathy to the victims.  Likewise, one year later, in a communication issued by Cde. Nomvula Mokonyane, the ANC is still refusing to acknowledge Hamas atrocities.

Since October 7, 2023, the ANC has consistently lauded the perpetrators, without any degree of recognition or sympathy for the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Instead, the party has consistently bashed South African Jews,  for its own political expediency. However, the polls clearly indicate that South Africans were not fooled, and party lost 20% of the electorate.  We, the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) call on all peace-loving South Africans to recognise Hamas’ brutality and stand by the global Jewry as we mourn what happened on that day. 

We, together with all South Africans mourn the loss of all innocent lives on both sides. However, the ANC has demonstrated intense denialism in its refusal to even acknowledge that innocent Israeli and Jewish lives were needlessly taken, unprovoked, on October 7, and in terror attacks since that day.

Today (October 6) and tomorrow, the South African Jewish community is reflecting on what occurred on October 7. Our various community organizations have united to put together a powerful memorial space, October 7 Square, to express the day's meaning and impact through our eyes. The display will be up for the next 24 hours and we invite the media to attend. 

A press conference will be held at the Square, tomorrow at 11H00, during which members of the community and those in Israel who were affected, will be speaking.  There will also be a guided tour of the displays.

If the ANC is genuinely worried about the lives of innocent individuals they would put pressure on their friends Hamas to release the hostages and ensure that the war ends immediately.

Issued by Wendy Kahn, National Director, SAJBD, 7 October 2024