Youth League says union federation is itself fighting narrow factional battles


The African National Congress Youth League (ANC YL) fully agrees with the Statement of the African National Congress on tendencies that seem to determine and guide COSATU politics as reflected in the articulation of its General Secretary in the latest Press Briefing. COSATU seems to have joined the band of Media detractors and peddle the rumours and lies that are spread about the leadership of the ANC Youth League. Based on City Press reports, which they could not verify or check with the ANC YL or the government of Limpopo, COSATU leaders have suggested that ANC YL President has delivered shoddy services in Limpopo (see here). This is despite the ANC YL President's clarification that he is not involved in the operations of any company since April 2008. It is disappointing that the leadership of COSATU relies on the media for information and in the process assists media detractors with rumour mongering.

COSATU's consistent attacks to on the leadership of the ANC and government is also not genuine, but meant to fight narrow factional battles. COSATU and its affiliates continue to question the role of the ANC President and present him as a leader who has betrayed working class struggles.

What is worrying is that the leadership of COSATU is doing all these questionable things in the name of the ANC Secretary General, Comrade Gwede Mantashe. COSATU and its affiliates continue to insinuate that Comrade Gwede Mantashe is under attack and should be defended by the ANC President and the National Executive Committee. As a leader of the ANC, Comrade Gwede Mantashe should actively disassociate himself from factional politics and attacks that are carried out in his name by COSATU leadership.

We also want to reiterate as a matter of fact, that at no instance has the ANC Youth League called upon for the removal of any leader of the African National Congress in the National General Council. We will oppose and totally reject all attempts to cause leadership instability in the African National Congress, but will retain the right to nominate and lobby for whomever we believe is suitable to lead the ANC.

In our last bilateral meeting, COSATU and the ANC Youth League agreed to take joint campaigns, particularly on Nationalisation of Mines, banning of Labour Brokers, and the ANC Government's five priorities for the incumbent government's term. COSATU should be in a better position to know and understand that concentration of peripheral petty politics has potential to undermine its strategic vision as a revolutionary trade union movement. Our common programmes on Mines' nationalisation should never be compromised and proper platforms should be used to raise political issues.

Statement issued by the ANC Youth League, March 5 2010

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