Busa welcomes the launch of the 11th CEE Annual Report. Business sees transformation as a process and is committed to strengthening the transformation process.
We are pleased to note that there has been a significant increase in the number of reports from employers and that it is three times the number of reports received in 2006.
To add to this, the increase in the number of fully and accurately completed reports is welcomed as it ensures qualitative reporting. Business is encouraged to continue with compliance with reporting requirements as well as the various substantive activities associated therewith.
It is regrettable that the representation of coloured people, women and people with disabilities falls short at certain levels in relation to the economically active population (EAP).
Notwithstanding this issue, it is indeed heartening to note that there is progress at the professionally qualified and skilled levels for women and black people. There certainly needs to be more focused action around the employment of people with disabilities and to this end learnerships and other options that facilitate mainstream employment is crucial.