Conduct of Sandy Kalyan appalling - ANC

Office of the Chief Whip says DA tripped up by its usual tactic of evacuating MPs in an effort to sabotage the quorum (Oct 24)


24 November 2013

The DA was today tripped by its usual tactic of evacuating MPs out of parliamentary votes in an attempt to sabotage the quorum required to pass laws. The party's deputy chief whip, Sandy Kalyan, now faces an investigation by the Speaker of the National Assembly for allegedly misleading the House and violating the rules regulating parliamentary voting and divisions.

In her attempt to explain the hasty evacuation of DA MPs out of the House to frustrate the vote on the Lotteries Amendment Bill, Ms Kalyan claimed that the DA MPs were leaving the House to attend meetings of committees. Her claim was immediately rebutted by the chairman of committees, who indicated that no committees were authorised to sit at that moment. Misleading the House is a serious offence and, if found guilty, a Members is required to stand up and unreservedly offer an apology to the entire sitting of the House.

Ms Kalyan, who called for a ‘division of the House' during the voting process, also joined her colleagues as they left the House. In terms of the rules, a Member responsible for calling for a ‘division' may not leave the House, but must participate in the voting process. By joining the walkout after calling for a division, Ms Kalyan acted irresponsibly and undermined common parliamentary protocols. Parliament relies on whips for the maintenance of order and discipline in the House. It is therefore disappointing that such a senior party leader should engage in a conduct that undermines the very principles she ought to uphold.

Today's developments in the National Assembly confirm what we have always said, that this current DA caucus is rudderless. The DA's conduct continues to undermine this institution and its presence in it as the main opposition. We call on the DA to start taking its role as the main opposition seriously and act in an exemplary manner worthy of emulation by other smaller parties.

We also call on the DA national leadership to deal with this shameful conduct within the ranks of the party's parliamentary caucus in the interest of preserving the integrity and the decorum of Parliament. 

Statement issued by the Office of the ANC Chief Whip, October 24 2013

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