ANC Vindicated by #PharrellProtest Court decision against City of Cape Town
20 September 2015
The African National Congress (ANC) in the Western Cape welcomes yesterday's Western Cape High Court ruling that declared the DA-led City of Cape Town’s decision to limit the upcoming #PharrellProtest as unconstitutional.
The fact that the judgment has now allowed 106 times more the number of protesters than the City of Cape Town had initially allowed exposes how undemocratic and unacceptable the city was being. The fact that the City of Cape Town decided to try and defend its decision in court (and now has to pay costs of both the applicants and themselves) shows that they think it is acceptable to spend thousands of rand of tax payers money oppressing Pro-Palestinian protesters.
This strange behavior exposes just how serious and problematic it is for City of Cape Town to have a twinning arrangement with an Israeli city and to have a pro-Israel and abusive political party, the DA, in provincial government.
The DA led city of Cape Town initially rejected the protest application but later back-tracked following an outcry by ourselves and other organziations. The DA led City of Cape Town then tried to stifle and reduce the protest to 150 people, which they have failed at doing following yesterday's court judgment. This stifiling of pro-Palestinian activism is both an attack on human rights protesters who want to show their support for Palestine and an attack on freedom of expression and assembly.