David Dlali murdered on his farm - ANC

Office of Chief Whip says former MP was a talented, diligent cadre (June 11)


11 June 2012

The Office of the ANC chief whip has learned with shock of the death of ANC former Member of Parliament, David Dlali, who was found murdered this morning near his farm in Matitiele, Eastern Cape. He was a talented, diligent cadre and a remarkable strategist. 

Dlali served as a member of parliament from 2001 until 2009, representing his constituency of Gugulethu Township. After the 2009 elections, he joined the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and People with Disability as Special Advisor to Minister Lulu Xingwana. As an ANC MP in the National Assembly, he participated in various portfolio committees such as provincial & local government, minerals & energy and defence. 

Dlali, who was born on 23 January 1960 in Mount Frere in the Eastern Cape, was a longstanding ANC leader in the Western Cape and former Umkhonto We Sizwe underground operative. He served in various Western Cape provincial structures, including as a member of the provincial executive committee and chairman of the Dullar Omar region. Urgency

We are deeply saddened by the loss of such a hardworking and committed servant of the people through a senseless killing. The law enforcement agencies must indeed leave no stone unturned to ensure that perpetrators of this heinous deed are caught and face the full wrath of the law.

We extend our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family, comrades and friends.

Statement issued by Moloto Mothapo, Office of the ANC Chief Whip, Parliament, June 11 2012

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