PSA requests a full-scale investigation of corrupt dealings in Public Works
23 July 2018
In the wake of reports about irregular transactions amounting to more than R1.2 billion by the Department of Public Works, the Public Servants Association (PSA) has voiced the Union’s support for an urgent, full-scale investigation.
Public Works Minister, Thulas Nxesi, has approached the High Court in a bid to recoup the money that was lost in irregular tenders. This includes leases of parking lots with exaggerated figures and some even non-existent to government departments.
“It is corruption such as this that is preventing public servants from providing much-needed services to communities. Such funding should have been used to pay workers adequately and improve working conditions in government departments. This will increase productivity and enhance service delivery but, instead, it is waisted in corrupt activities,” said PSA Deputy General Manager, Tahir Maepa.
The PSA, in support of the Minister, requested a full-scale investigation into these allegations at Public Works and encouraged it thousands of members at the Department to participate in rooting out corruption.