Gatvol residents vul gate - AfriForum

Organisation says its Lydenberg branch is spending R350 000 on fixing potholes in the town

Lydenburg residents fed-up with potholes; fix road themselves

The Lydenburg branch of AfriForum started fixing potholes in their town today. This project will be rolled out in phases and will cost R325 000.

"The Lydenburg community is under pressure as the Thaba Chweu Municipality is failing in its duties, but because residents are not prepared to sit back and watch how their town wanes, they are taking ownership of the problems themselves and they're prepared to roll up their sleeves," Leon de Jager, Chairman of the Lydenburg branch of AfriForum said. 

Tiaan Esterhuizen, Manager of Community Structures at AfriForum said towns in Mpumalanga get little support from their municipalities and in some cases service delivery is seriously lacking.

Residents of Lydenburg embark on more similar projects in future, including removing their own refuse, fixing street lights, establishing community safety structures and cleaning streets.

"Communities pay tax and we have to hold municipalities accountable. Corrupt officials should be prosecuted and unconstitutional decisions should be refuted. It is not sustainable to merely stand in the road to further deterioration, we have to build a road to prosperity," Esterhuizen said.

AfriForum calls on the community to become involved in the pothole fixing project. SMS "GAT" to 38310 and donate R10. If someone wants to make a financial contribution, they can contact AfriForum at[email protected].

Statement issued by Tiaan Esterhuizen, Manager: Community Structures, AfriForum, February 9 2015

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