Gauteng starts anew in 2024 – Solly Msimanga

DA Gauteng Premier candidate says the City of Gold has deteriorated before our eyes

Gauteng starts anew in 2024

13 September 2023

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Gauteng has announced that I will be the party’s Gauteng Premier Candidate for 2024.

Gauteng is at an impasse.

We have seen the City of Gold deteriorate before our eyes. Every citizen in Gauteng has seen the impact of maladministration and corruption, the time has come for that to change. The issues we’ve seen cannot be undone by the same party that created them, and they won’t be.

In 2024, we will rebuild the dream of 1994 with Gauteng taking its position as the economic hub of the country as it should be. South Africa truly is a place of dreams, the dreams dreamt at voting stations in 1994, have not died. This, despite the ANC so ruthlessly trying to destroy them.

The DA will govern Gauteng come 2024. The party is not fighting to be the official opposition as we have in past elections. The DA is now fighting to govern. As the Premier of Gauteng, I will ensure that we change our province for the better.

I will focus on:

Addressing the scourge of illegal miners

Ensuring a safe environment, and an environment wherein victims of crimes feel safe to come forward, and hold perpetrators to account

Fighting for the devolution of powers. Municipalities who are able to, should be allowed to address the issues they face

Ensuring Gauteng has quality and maintained infrastructure to bring the economy to the people, under DA leadership, we will get back there

Starting the process to ensure energy independence for Gauteng by attracting independent power producers to the province and create incentives for their investments

The Gauteng Infrastructure and Safety masterplan, at this point, does not exist. These documents are vital to ensuring we create a province where people can come to grow. There is a serious disconnect between what the province needs, and what the current government is willing to provide. That needs to change, and I will change it.

The truth of the matter is that we can’t do it alone, and we don’t need to. Engaging private sector, and taking hands to ensure the province works for us all is in everyone’s favour. We don’t want to reinvent the wheel, nor do we need to. Effective governance creates a favourable environment for investment, and fosters a space wherein civil society, the private sector and government can work together.

As it stands, who would want to work with the current government? Maladministration and corruption have shot its roots far too deep for it to change now, the change needs to be a new government.

Ripping the plant out at the roots, and starting anew. In 2024, under my leadership, Gauteng will start anew.

Issued by Solly Msimanga, DA Gauteng Premier Candidate, 13 September 2023