NEHAWU welcomes the Budget Speech that was tabled before parliament today by the Minister of Finance, Mr Pravin Gordhan and we are happy with the government's commitment to increase and shift government spending on key priority areas with the intention to create a new growth path for the local economy (see here).
Whilst there are important commitments in the budget speech which we support such as increased allocations for HIV/AIDS although we are concerned that the spending over the Medium Term Expenditure Framework period remains moderate
We welcome and support the government's efforts to fight corruption and trim down the obscene salaries and perks that public servants in governments and parastatals have been awarding to themselves.
This obscene spending and crass materialism is the main reason why we have the highest rate of inequalities in this country and we expect those who hold leadership positions to take the lead.
Despite a clear commitment made in the State of the Nation Address and even in this Budget Speech to the National Health Insurance scheme it is surprising that the minister still seeks to increase monthly monetary caps for deductable medical scheme in order to expand the membership of the current medical schemes.
This is disappointing and confusing because it sends mixed messages and underscores the need to expedite the process towards the introduction of a single national insurance fund. The implementation of the NHI is central to the transformation of the health sector and will be a big step towards the goal of building a comprehensive social security system.