ANC to campaign for reunification of Ireland

Party says it enjoys a special historical bond with Sinn Fein from apartheid-era

Statement on the outcome of the ANC NEC international relations sub-committee’s bilateral meeting with Sinn Fein

25 April 2021

The African National Congress (ANC)'s National Executive Committee (NEC) Sub-committee on international Relations led by its Chairperson, Comrade Lindiwe Zulu, held a bilateral meeting on 20 April 2021 with the leadership of the Sinn Fein, led by Comrade Declan Kearny, Chairperson of the party, on various issues including to reaffirm the party's support of the reunification of Ireland.

The ANC and Sinn Fein share a special historical bond, dating back to the Global Campaign against apartheid and the Irish Peace Process. The two parties have maintained strong Party to Party relations and solidarity based on shared principles on the right to self-determination.

The partition of Ireland came into effect in May 1921 when the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland divided Ireland into separate self-governing parliaments for Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland.

Comrade Zulu communicated the party's commitment to assisting Sinn Fein in its quest for the reunification of Ireland. One of the areas of collaboration identified will be on the development of a new constitution for the Irish people as Sinn Fein has called for an Irish unity referendum. The two parties have committed to deepening communication, sharing and exchanging expertise on various issues.

The ANC has agreed to bring forth the issue of Irish unification at the NEC as well as sharing the message and lobbying support on several multi-lateral fora including the United Nations, African Union, the G20 and other relevant bodies. The party will also mobilise support in its engagement with liberation movements, progressive parties and the trade union movement.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two parties is currently underway, which will underscore key mutual objectives for the two parties to collaborate on common focus areas and solidarity work.

The remarks from Comrade Lindiwe Zulu were well received by Sinn Fein and the commencement of a process to renew the bonds concretely was also well received. The ANC is also encouraged to continue being steadfast in supporting this genuine call for self determination as it also continues to do with the call of self determination of the Sahrawis, Palestinians and others.

Issued by Lindiwe Zulu, Chairperson: International Relations Sub-Committee, 25 April 2021