POSIB critics undermining state security - SACP Gauteng

PEC also resolves to launch programme to bring Midvaal under ANC control

SACP Gauteng Province prepares for its provincial congress

Press Statement, 27th November 2011

The SACP Gauteng Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) held its scheduled and last meeting for 2011 on 26th - 27th of November 2011 in Johannesburg. The meeting deliberated on important organisational and political issues and was also addressed by alliance structures, notably, ANC Gauteng Province Provincial Working Committee member, comrade Brian Hlongwa, Cosatu Provincial Chairperson, comrade Phuthas Tseki, and MEC for Education in Gauteng, comrade Barbara Creecy.

After democratic and comradely debates on various issues, the meeting resolved as follows:

National Democratic Revolution and decline of Imperialism

PEC noted the ongoing and deepening world economic crisis, marking the rapid decline of Imperialism and monopoly capital. We are even more convinced than ever before, that the most sustainable alternative for the whole of humanity and the world working class is the overthrow of the capitalist system, and its immediate replacement with socialism.

The PEC noted that whilst the current crisis has led to bloodless coup's and overthrow of elected governments in Europe and Arab states through radical protests, the working class and historically oppressed  in South Africa remain confident in the leadership of the African National Congress led Alliance, and are firmly united behind the National Democratic Revolution.

The PEC is deeply inspired by the fact that the African National Congress, our long and historic alliance partner will celebrate its 100 years of existence as a ruling party, and leading a united society and the Alliance as a whole. To this extend, we believe the movement of Oliver Tambo, Nelson Mandela, Joe Slovo, Chris Hani, Elijah Barayi and John Gomomo and many others have every reason to celebrate. We call on all communists and revolutionary organised workers to rally behind these important celebrations.

Gauteng Provincial Government

The PEC noted the revolutionary work done by various government departments within the province and the commitment to deliver on the ANC Elections Manifesto. We also noted that the ANC reconfigured government departments as part of this commitment to improve the living conditions of the working class.

We have therefore resolved that the PEC should approach the ANC to request a full and detailed briefing or report on the overall performance of the Gauteng Government. This will play a key role in consolidating the work of the Party on the State and the Gauteng Economy.  In this regard, this will give us an opportunity to place at the centre of economic development and transformation of Cooperatives as key organs of the working class and the poor.    

Commitment towards building quality teaching and learning

As part of our programme towards building people's education through people's power, we have launched an ongoing campaign to restore the quality of public education in Gauteng. We shall be working with all the stake holders to promote quality teaching and learning in our schools whilst also ensuring that the Resolutions of the April 2011 Soweto Education Summit are fully implemented. We fully support the programme of elections for School Governing Bodies (SGB's) in 2012.

Commitment towards establishing an integrated, effective and safe public transport system

We are fully behind the establishment of an integrated, effective and safe public transport system; hence we call on government to assess infrastructure development programmes guided by a clear set of strategic priorities.

As SACP Gauteng Province, we note the current process of hearings on the Toll-gate system. We wish to reiterate our long standing position that the current Toll-Gate system impact negatively on living conditions of the working class, and only serves to enrich tenderpreneurs, and the elite. We however note the decision of national government and Cabinet on the current Toll-gate system.  We believe that government must defend the working class by prohibiting and putting a complete stop on all planned Toll-Gates.

SACP Programme on the DA run Midvaal Municipality

Following the release of the Public Protector Report on serious acts of mal-administration and corruption in the DA's worst run municipality, we have resolved to launch a sustainable programme of action to finally place the municipality under the full control of the ANC. To this extend, the PEC resolved to conduct a Door-to-Door campaign within working class communities as the first step to unleash mass action against the DA municipality. We have instructed our District of Sedibeng to immediately start with the preparations for the programme. The planned protest will be held in January 2012, on a date still to be determined. We have also directed the YCL to commence with youth mobilisation to support the programme. 

Protection of State Information Bill

The PEC noted and welcomed the passing of the Protection of State Information Bill by the National Assembly and the referral of the Bill to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP). We firmly believe that this Bill, once it becomes law will consolidate and defend the NDR and most importantly, the security of the democratic state led by the working class through the ANC Government and its Alliance partners.

We believe protests about the Bill, seek to weaken and undermine state security as a critical part of the defence of the National Democratic Revolution. SA as a constitutional democracy brought about by the ANC and its Alliance partners, guarantees all people and individuals their most democratic rights. We reject the attempts to entrust the security of the NDR with the commercial and capitalist private media and elevate editorial supremacy above that of the people represented by their elected representatives.     

Preparations for the Provincial Congress

The PEC resolved to hold its Provincial Congress on 23-25 March 2012 and for District Congresses to be held in February 2012.

Statement issued by SACP Gauteng Acting Provincial Secretary: Jacob Mamabolo, November 27 2011

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