Rising electricity tariffs are a major constraint for agriculture and the overall economy
21 May 2020
NERSA has announced its decision regarding Eskom’s Regulatory Clearing Account (RCA) application for the 2018/19 financial year. NERSA approved an RCA balance of R13,3 billion in Eskom’s favour. Eskom’s application was for R27.323 billion. Agri SA provided written commentary to NERSA and presented at the public hearing that took place in February 2020. Our inputs highlighted the importance of agriculture for food security and the negative impact of rising electricity tariffs for the sector. NERSA’s Reasons for Decision (RfD) and an implementation plan for the 2018/19 RCA balance must still be released. This RCA balance will be recouped by even further electricity tariff increases.
To stay afloat, Eskom requires higher and higher electricity tariffs. However, weak economic conditions and price sensitive consumers translates to lower electricity sales. The national lockdown and limited economic activity weaken electricity demand and sales even further. In reaction to this, Eskom will again need higher electricity tariffs that push Eskom further into a utility “death spiral”. The current trajectory of rising electricity tariffs is unsustainable.
The agriculture sector plays a crucial role to ensure that national food security requirements are fulfilled. In the context of COVID-19, it is even more crucial for agriculture to be able to provide sufficient and affordable food. Over 25% of the country’s food is produced by irrigation-reliant and energy-intensive industries, including horticulture, dairy, poultry, grains, and agro-processing.
Farmers are price takers, meaning that they cannot easily pass on rising costs to the consumer.