World Aids Day 2011
The South African Communist Party joins millions of people throughout the world in the commemoration of the World Aids Day for 2011 tomorrow the 1st of December 2011. Whilst our structures and members throughout the country are joining the planned activities by Government and other Progressive Organisations, we have also taken a decision to use the 18th Plenary session of the 12th Congress Central Committee taking place from the 2nd to 4th December at the Randburg Towers Inn Hotel to commemorate the Worlds Aids Day.
Our message to millions of South Africans and the entire globe is informed amongst others by the following:
HIV, AIDS and Tuberculosis continue to contribute significantly to the burden of diseases faced by the working class and the poor of our society.
Let's all join hands on the fight to decrease maternal and child mortality in the Country which is at a level which is extremely unacceptable. In doing so our aim is to increase life expectancy.
Let's all play a role on combating HIV and AIDS and decrease the burden of diseases caused amongst others by TB.