Senti Thobejane not in employ of Presidency - Mac Maharaj

Sunday Times newspaper has totally disregarded responses to questions in this regard

Presidency rejects Sunday Times advisor report

21 December 2014

The Presidency is surprised that the Sunday Times newspaper has totally disregarded its responses to questions that the paper had posed about a Department of Energy official, Mr Senti Thobejane, who the paper has incorrectly identified as an advisor to President Jacob Zuma in its report today, 21 December 2014 (see report).

On the 18th of December, the Sunday Times sent questions asking if the official was a technical advisor and what position he held in the Presidency. A response was sent back promptly on the same day, indicating that Mr Thobejane was not in the employ of the Presidency and held no position in the institution. The side of the Presidency has been completely omitted in the story. This behaviour flies in the face of all journalistic norms and ethics and is completely unacceptable. 

Officials of government departments are asked from time to time to provide information to the Presidency. Mr Thobejane, like other officials in the Department of Energy, is requested at times to provide information on areas that he has expertise in. Such officials do not automatically become advisors to the Presidency or the President. They remain officials of the Departments where they are employed. 

Statement issued by Mac Maharaj, The Presidency, December 22 2014

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