Soaring payouts highlight Gauteng Health failure – Jack Bloom

DA MPL says medical negligence payouts went from R512m in 2022 to R696m this year

Soaring payouts highlight Gauteng Health failure that harms patients

8 October 2024

The Democratic Alliance is most concerned by the jump in medical negligence payouts in Gauteng, rising to R696 million last year from R512 million in 2022.

This is according to figures given to Parliament by Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi.

Whereas most other provinces showed a decrease in medical negligence payments, Gauteng's have gone up by 36% - an extra R174 million!

In sharp contrast, the payouts in DA-run Western Cape have dropped 27% to R120 million.

This highlights the ongoing failure of the Gauteng Health Department to improve medical care, as reflected in the 7117 Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) recorded last year in Gauteng public hospitals.

The DA will continue to push for adequate resources and real accountability in hospitals to provide quality health care that avoids patient harm.

Issued by Jack Bloom, DA Gauteng Shadow Health MEC, 8 October 2024