Stone Sizani's allegations against Sandy Kalyan bizarre - Watty Watson

DA Chief Whip says ‘Z' committee list of Parliament clearly set out that committees were meeting during the time in question (Oct 24)

Sizani in another futile attempt to distract from ANC's poor performance in Parliament

It seems that the ANC Chief Whip, Stone Sizani, is engaging in yet another futile attempt to distract from the ANC's poor performance in Parliament with his quite bizarre allegation that DA Deputy Chief Whip, Sandy Kalyan misled the House.

This follows his most recent attack on DA MP, Dianne Kohler Barnard, who was unanimously cleared by the Ethics Committee following a similarly unsubstantiated claim by the ANC Chief Whip.

Indeed, the ‘Z' committee list of Parliament clearly set out that committees were meeting during the time in question and nothing Ms Sandy Kalyan said was to the contrary.

It is obvious that Mr Sizani's own inability to ensure a quorum during Tuesday's plenary vote on the problematic Lotteries Amendment Bill has put him under some pressure.

I would recommend that he rather take the matter up with his own errant MPs, and not attempt to distract from this with petty attacks on the opposition, who are fulfilling their constitutional responsibility to hold the government to account.

Statement issued by Watty Watson MP, Democratic Alliance Chief Whip, October 24 2013


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