There is certainty about policy platform in GNU – ANC

No agreement that exists of “sealed mandates” where each Minister in govt pursues their sectarian party policies

ANC statement on clarification of ANC-led GNU policy platform

4 July 2024

The African National Congress (ANC) has noted a growing narrative of uncertainty in public discourse about the policy platform of the ANC-led Government of National Unity (GNU). We have also received a series of media enquiries about the same matter. This seems to be triggered by pronouncements made by individual political parties, within and outside the GNU, as well as an unfamiliarity with the agreed-to principles of the GNU.

The ANC wants to categorically state that there is certainty about the policy platform of the ANC-led GNU. This was agreed to by all political parties who signed the GNU Statement of Intent (SOI). There is no agreement that exists of 'sealed mandates' where each Minister in the GNU pursues their sectarian party policies. Such an agreement would run counter to both the letter and spirit of the constitution, which all GNU party signatories have agreed to act on the basis of.

Accordingly, we implore all South Africans and especially news commentators to familiarise themselves with the substantive elements of the GNU.

1. Clause 8 of the GNU SOI outlines the foundational principles of the GNU policy programme, anchoring it on transformative constitutionalism.

2. Clause Il outlines the substantive policy programme that constitutes the basic policy framework of the GNU, building on clause 8.

3. Clause 19 deals with instances where substantive disagreements over policy arise. Sub-clause 19.3 explains the majority that must be canvassed by a party wishing to repeal, change or introduce a policy.

Taken into proper context, especially Clause 19.3, it must be understood that all existing government policies remain in effect without exception. Any other interpretation of this clause cannot be taken seriously at this point.

It is our commitment as the ANC to participate in and sustain rational, honest and educational public discourse.

It is for this reason that we seek to clarify the unnecessary false information about what constitutes the policy programme of the GNU.

Let's do more, together.

Issued by Zuko Godlimpi, Acting National Spokesperson, 4 July 2024